A Kuroshitsuji Story--The Undertaker's

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As the Undertaker prepared the young lady for her coffin, he couldn't help but to notice how she lacked marks on her skin. He couldn't figure out what had killed her, perhaps a poison, but it couldn't possibly be old age because she couldn't be older than 18. No one had claimed her body yet, or come looking for her at all. She had to have had a rich family, because most people would not be able to afford the things she died in. But still, her body was in incredible condition, for a dead person.

"How pathetic." He said.

"We are in need of information on a body." Someone said. The Undertaker didn't even hear him come in. He looked up. It was the Earl Phantomhive and his butler, Sebastian.

"Hee hee, well you do know how to pay me for information, dear Earl!" The Undertaker leaned into his face. "Make me laugh!"

"I-" The Earl started

"Let me handle this." Sebastian said.


"Let. Me. Handle. This, my lord."

"Ugh!" The Earl Phantomhive walked out.


As Ciel walked out of the dreary shop of the Undertaker's, he noticed how ironic things could be. How the light shone brightly even on a day like today where the Earl had to go looking for dead bodies and find out what and who killed it.

As he was trying to look around for something to do while Sebastian was cracking a joke with the Undertaker, he noticed someone coming around the bend.

 It was a girl! What could a girl possibly be doing around here, such a dreary and sad part of town? She had long brown curled hair, and had a dress of a style where several fabric patterns could be seen; white and black striped, purple, and black. She wore a small top hat on her head, slightly tilted to the side, tied with a bow at her neck. She walked slowly, but with a purpose. She had someone with her, a nanny perhaps, walking with her and helping her along.

Sebastian came out of the shop.

"Well? Can I come in now?" Ciel asked

"I'm afraid I told a joke that wasn't funny to him. We'll have to come back another time."

"YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!" Ciel screamed

Sebastian picked him up and carried him to the carriage.


The carriage began pulling away


The Undertaker was preparing the body for a lonely funeral, when he heard his door ring yet again.

"Excuse me, but I have come to inquire about a body that is being prepared here." Said a soft female voice.

The Undertaker turned around.

He was surprised to see a young woman, and by the looks of it, a wealthy young woman. Her nanny glared from her side.

"You mean this one?" The Undertaker asked in his cruel, sharp voice.

The girl flinched a bit at the body. A single tear ran down her powdered cheek.

"Yes. That is my sister." She said.

The Undertaker wasn't very surprised. The woman in the casket was nearly identical to the one standing in front of him.

"What are your names?" He asked. "Her's for the headstone, and yours for the letter of payment." He took out his quill, ink, and a paper.

"My name is Gemma Jewel and her name is...her's was..." Her voice grew low and her eyes were full of tears. She sat down in a nearby chair and wiped her eyes with the bottom of a curled hand.

The nanny remained in front of him. She couldn't have been more than twenty years old. Her hair was a bright red and tied up in a rather messy bun atop of her head, she was wearing a long black and white striped dress with a white apron on it.

"Her name was Jade. She absolutely adored pink. Actually, she left a note in her room that if she were to die, she wanted the entire funeral to be pink. So get her out of that casket, put her in a pink one, and we will get her decorations." The nanny said

Gemma sniffled and said, "She did love pink. She died wearing the only non-pink dress she owned."

The Undertaker finally took a look at the apparel of Jade. She was indeed wearing a non-pink dress. Her dress was a plain black with very few adornings. Just some shiny buttons, and a fine-lace collar. Her hair was blonde, and her hat was black. The Undertaker remembered first seeing her and thinking, What perfect attire for your own funeral.

The Undertaker turned from her nanny and began eating a dog biscuit.

"Excuse me! Mr. Undertaker-man, are you even listening to me?" The nanny yelled in a shrill voice.

"I can hear you, you know. I just assumed that you wouldn't like to see this!" The Undertaker then turned around and the nanny gasped.

Gemma got up from her seat.

"Come on, Lucille. Let's go. We'll be back tomorrow, Mr. Undertaker." Gemma said, wheeling her nanny out.

The Undertaker began searching the back of his shop for a pink casket.

"What a curious day..." The Undertaker said to himself, laying in his own coffin waiting for sleep to come to him.

I absolutely looooooooove the Undertaker!

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