Chapter 43: A Bargain To Remember

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I angrily whisked the eggs for the third time.

“No they still aren’t whisked enough for me,” Valentine commented over my shoulder, holding Sprinkles protectively in his hands.

I puffed out my cheeks, and whisked the eggs again. “Stupid rich boy,” I mumbled under my breath. I whisked even harder, as he started to sing to himself. Geez this is definitely a workout for my arms!

“Who’s a good girl Twinkie? You are! Yes you are!” He babied her, nuzzling her face with his. She’s all fluffy looking, and tiny in his hands.

She purred loudly, and closed her eyes.

“Aww!” I cooed, and stopped cooking.

Valentine turned to glare at me, “Get back to work, I’m hungry.”

Ugh! I hate him!

“ You could have just asked nicely and I would have made you eggs!”

“I don’t care, this way I enjoy much, much more,” he motioned to my outfit.

Oh yeah, did I mention he made me put makeup on and a Barbie doll outfit? Yeah, he did and I did it for love. A tight pink dress, and sparkly pink heel; my nightmare outfit combo. All because I want my baby Sprinkles back. You thought I meant him? Yeah, no not when he’s doing what he’s doing now.

“Get your hands off of my baby!” I screamed, and flipped the eggs over in the pan.

He continued tossing the cat in the air, and catching her gently.“Who wants Cassie to focus on the eggs already! You do? Yes you do!” he kissed the kitty a million times.

I narrowed my eyes at him, and put the eggs on the plate. “Eggs,” I said dryly, and pushed it towards him.

He sat at the counter, and put Sprinkles by the plate. She sauntered over, sniffed the plate and started to eat it. I just made all those eggs for a cat! Valentines gaze locked on mine, and he winked.

“You son of a—“

He held up the cat, who has a piece of egg on her mouth. “There’s a child in the room!” he pointed out, and snickered.

“There are two children in the room. One’s a cat, ones and ones just a….” I searched my words carefully, thinking of my baby Sprinkles who is literally digging into the eggs with her feet. “—a jerk!” I finished, throwing the spatula in my hands on the counter.

Sprinkles jumped in the air, and Valentine caught her before she fell off. “Someone needs to take a chill pill,” he told the kitten.


“Was I talking to you?” he snapped at me unexpectedly. “Clearly I was talking to Twinkie, and not Twinkie-Butt.”

“Stop calling me that!” I screamed, and covered my mouth.

What is wrong with me?

“What’s wrong? You seem to be a bit agitated.”

“I am agitated! You’re making me agitated!”

“Stop screaming, Twinkie is shaking,” he said, hugging Sprinkles to his chest.

“Her name isn’t Twinkie. Stop calling her that just to piss me off!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said smoothly.

“Twinkie—Butt?” I turned and motioned ot my butt “Ring any bells there Fang Face?”

Bleeding Royalty Book One & Two (First Draft, unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now