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welcome / Once upon a time there was a family. And so they each person has a power to tern into a skylander!

So when they were born they came out of a skylander!

And then like Celina's power is crystal's that comes out of her tale and it also come out of her wings! And also she also spins and like when she spins it sparkils on top.

And the next skylander is Jaedon and his power is having a hamer that is all I know!.

And the next skylander is Aliyah she is magic she can tern into a bodil!And she has a wond.

And the next skylander is Patty she is the undied she has gowst and like lighting!

And the next skylander is Herrison he has a gun!

Rools for skylanders/ So the 1st rool is to kill ever monster............! That is the only rool!!!!!!!!! That is the last part of the chapter!

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