Chapter 8

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Runo's POV

I had came up with a brilliant idea on how i was going to get out of the dinner with father. I had went into the quiet chamber in our castle that we called the meditation chamber. We used this chamber to think and to relax on things that we needed.

I had a plan that if one mistake occured the whole plan would fail. Once i got in the room i sat there and thought then i got up and went to court. My father was there in his throne, asking King Thereys questions. King Thereys had dirt on his face from his long  journey. He had a blood scar on his left temple and he was in the Calresi Dein color green. "Thereys, give it up your never going to get out of this mess" said King Okal talking to a squirming Thereys trying to get out the grasp of the royal guards.

"Ratinn" started King Thereys his voice was raspy from no water. "You let me go or there will be a war, with Domisher and the kingdoms" said Thereys. Father looked calm and sat in his throne looking at Thereys with cold eyes. "Iker, you will bargain with us, no questions or your family will be devestated for their lost". "You have 4 days to consider giving us your kingdom or your family will be punished severely". Father said.

"Take him from here to the dungeon he said.

I crept and followed the guards to the king's dungeon i sat there in the ceiling waiting for the guards to leave. When they left, i jumped down from the ceiling like a cat and told the king to shut or get hurt.

I took the dagger from my belt that i had got. And cut the lock off i grabbed the king and took off with him.

Then after that it was time for father's dinner. Father talked and talked and talked. Soon Hugh Crouche, father's pick for my husband when i was 21 came to eat with us. After the meal was devoured father got up and announced

"My daughter, Runo, has news" said father with his arms out like he was giving the air a hug.

"She will be marrying Hugh Crouche!" he said

Then I shot up from my seat "No i will not" i said "Yes, you will father said through gritted teeth "NO I WILL NOT!!!" i said, "YES YOU WILL" he said "No i will not, and if you dont believe me i will make you". "If you would like your precious king, you will listen to me

"Dei Morthniha" He said in Domisherian. He sent his guards to quickly go check on the prisoner

The guards came back "Modahepathia diof gioudr he's not there" they said. "Unless you want something bad to happen to him LISTEN to me!" I said knowing with one word i could make my patron drop King Thereys in the crocodile lake.

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