Chapter 16 - Partying Ponies?

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The whole army of centaurs exploded onto our midst. All I could see were tie-dyed shirts, rainbow Afro wigs, humongous sunglasses and painted faces. ''What the hell is going on?'' I yelled in frustrated throwing my hands up in the air. Centaurs with crazy wigs and sunglasses? That is way too much.

''They are the Party Ponies'' Annabeth laughed, I shot her a confused look. Hundreds of centaurs were filling into the streets. ''They are Chiron's cousins-'' Annabeth said,

but I interupted and said ''your camp director's?''.

She nodded and said ''yes''.

''Percy! Arya!'' I heard a strangly familiar voice shout. I looked over to see Chiron who was dressed for battle, ''sorry we're late'' he said with a grin.

''DUDE. Talk later. Waste monsters now!'' another centaur said, as he locked and loaded a paint gun and blast it at a hellhound. It must have something in it because the hellhound...was no more.

''Party Ponies. South Florida Chapter!'' a random centaur yelled. I was just standing there trieing to absorb every thing.

''Heart of Texas Chapter!'' another one said from across the battlefield,

''Hawii owns your faces!'' a third one yelled.

A small smile crept up to my face and I grinned and shouted ''Yeah, go Ponies!''. I heard Percy and Annabeth giggled beside me. Then the best thing in the world happened.

The whole Titan army retreated. ''Stop running you fools. Stand and ACKK!!'' Kronos yelled, but one of the giants that were guarding him, stumbled and sat on top of him.

I was howling with laughter and shouted ''YOU NEED A TIME OUT!''. The people around me laughed and agreed, I bet the Titan Lord was furious with me.

We pushed the enemy army back for a couple of blocks until the old and wise centaur, who is also my cousin said ''HOLD, ON YOUR PROMISE. HOLD!''. It was a little tricky but we soon managed to pull back the babaric centaurs, letting the enemy escape.

''Chiron's smart''Annabeth said as she wiped the sweat off her face. ''If we persue, we'll get too spread out. We need to regroup'',

''but the enemy-'' Percy argued.

I cut him off and said ''They are not all dead, but the dawn is coming. And we just brought ourselves some time'', then I hook 5 arrows in my bow and fired them at some telkhines who were hurrying away. Percy and Annabeth looked at me with raised eyebrows, I shrugged ''what? They were too slow'' I smirked and Percy playfully punched me on my shoulder before we headed back to the Empire State Building.

I let Percy and Annabeth deal with the centaurs and the defence. I was just there to help with the assult and beside I didn't want to waste my energy on summoning another blessing. Some of the centaurs introduced themselves to me, which I thought was pretty decent and plus they bowed to me too.

I finally found my chance to talk with Chiron. He trotted up to me and bowed, ''raise'' I smiled.

''So you, and the rest of your camp really did come'' he smirked,

I rolled my eyes and said ''oh come on, I know that we have our differences....and I don't break my promises'' with a hint of sarcasem and smug.

He chuckled and said ''forgive me, but I was pleasently surprised'',

I sighed and said more seriously ''Chiron, can I talk to you. Somewhere more private perhaps?'', he eyed my closely before nodding.

I led him to an empty room and he waited patiently. I took a deep breath and said ''Chiron, I know that this may sound know the big prophecy, that says that a child of the Big 3 will have a choice. To destroy or save Olympus...'' Chiron crossed his arms and encouraged me to go on. ''Well I know that everyone thinks that it is Percy, instint as well as my dreams tell me that...'' I started,

''Arya, what is bothering you?'' Chiron asked gently.

''I have a feeling that Percy is not the real hero'' I rushed,

Chiron looked a little surprised as he said ''hmm, how is that possible?''.

I shook my head and said ''I don't know yet...but I have a feeling that the time is close''.

Chiron seemed to be hundreds of miles away, just like me. I have been having these dreams, but it seemed more like a warning or pre-caution. In one of my dreams I would see Percy holding a knife over a fallen, but breathing body. I couldn't recognise the face but...the important thing in the whole scene was Percy holding a knife and by the look on his face it was like if he was debating with himself.

In another one of my dreams, I would see myself holding onto the edge of a cliff...with no one to help me up. No matter how many times I called for help, no one answered. I don't really understand the meaning of this dream but I am pretty sure that I don't like it.

I saw another scene in my dreams. I saw myself standing in the middle of two male figures. I couldn't see their faces but it felt like I knew them both and one of the was holding a hammer and the other was ready to fire an arrow. I had a little feeling that the figures were Leo and Josh, but I thought that both of them made up. I was confused with that scene.

Back to reality now, I left Chiron and went to get something to eat. I was starving and plus I need some nutritions. I was bitting into my slice of ham and pineapple pizza, when I saw Piper, Josh and Leo come in, I think Jason was with Thalia...catching up and stuff. I could tell that Piper was angry about something, but what could it be.

That is when I saw Leo and Josh properly. Both of them were scowling at eachother and according to my lip reading skills...insulting eachother too. I banged my head on the table, startling a few Greek demi-gods who looked at me worried. I ignored them and finished the rest of my slice before getting up and walking towards them.

I could tell that things were getting worst, and then suddenly Leo grabbed Josh by his collar and shoved him to the wall. OH GODS!. ''Leo cut it out!'' I shouted as I ran to them, Leo seemed surprised at first but he gradually did as I asked.

''What the hell is the matter with you two!?'' I hissed looking around hoping that no one saw that little scene.

''That's what I said'' Piper joined in, I huffed and crossed my arms.

''I can't deny my feelings for you Arya'' Leo said irritated, I dropped my shoulders and rubbed my temples.

''Yeah well sorry pal, I had feelings for her way before you did. I just know how to cover it up better.'' Josh said venomously to Leo, who pinned him up again.

''Oh please, don't kid yourself'' Leo resorted.

Piper tore Leo off of Josh and said ''guys! For gods sake. Can't even see how much of this, is hurting Arya? God you two are blinded with hate'', she said shaking her head in disgust. Josh stuck his tongue out at Leo, like a two year old but Leo punched him in the jaw. Josh stumbled a little before returning the blow, me and Piper tried to seperate them....but we just couldn't.

After 2 minutes of fighting, I gave up and pulled out water from a nearby fountain and trapped Leo and Josh in it. Everyone was staring at us by now, and I heard a few giggles. The water was wrapped around the two boys, who puched it aimlessly. I sighed and compressed them tighter, both of them stopped their stuggled and was now panting heavily. I removed the water away from them and got rid of it.

Piper looked star-struck. ''You guys are gonna talk about your problems, not fight it out. Piper you are gonna be with them until they finish. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!'' I shouted, I think everyone in the whole room flinched. They nodded so I said ''go to room 12, and get it done and over with'' I hissed, they stalked off leaving me with the audience.

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