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"For Words Left Unspoken." he replied as he turned to face me.

His eyes were cast on the ground, but soon looked me in the eyes. I watched as the broken eyes I saw changed into recognition and confusion. His knees wobbled beneath him as he stared in disbelief.

"S-Sher-lock?" his voice sounded broken and unsure.

"Yes, John." I stepped closer to him as he continued to sway. I ignored all my previous thoughts about sentiment and wrapped my arms around him, the violin slowly falling with a thud.

I stayed perfectly still as John cried in my arms. I held him tighter as he began to shake more and more violently. I broke this man, this wonderful man, my best friend, my only friend, my blogger, and the man I would jump off a building for.

"Sherlock?" he asked pulling himself from the folds of my coat.

"Yes John?" I replied, considering all the questions he could ask.

"Did you like the song?" he asked, a small, sad smile tweaked him lips.

"John, words do not do it justice... it was... breathtaking! How did you come up with the title?" he blushed a little and looked away.

"Sherlock, that was the song of my life. Sadness in the war, happiness with you, depression during your absence. The title was meant to mean something to someone I'd never the courage to say... something too." I stared at him with an, I'm sure, confused expression.

"Do you have the courage now John?" I asked.

He didn't reply, instead he stood on his tiptoes and pressed his wonderfully warm lips into mine.

For all the words left unspoken.

For Words Left UnspokenWhere stories live. Discover now