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Chapter Two

We walked into the great hall and I saw Professor Longbottom; a good friend of my parents.

He was sitting up at the staff table near a very old looking Headmistress McGonagall. The two familiar faces at the staff table released some of the butterflies prancing around in the pit of my stomach.

"Ohh no;" I thought, "What if I am in Slytherin! No, no; my dad was a Gryffindor his parents were Gryffindor, my mom was a Gryffindor and her parents were Gryffindor; surely I'll be, I mean even Albus and James are Gryffindors! Calm down it will be okay," I tried to assure myself that it would but there was still a trickle of doubt.

But to my disbelief the unimaginable happened! Brown, Amelia was sorted into Slytherin and Finnigan, Natalie was sorted into Gryffindor. As my name, (After "Malfoy, Salazar was sorted into Slytherin of course) "Potter, Lily." was called, I took a nervous step up onto the stage and bravely sat down, and the kind man (head of Gryffindor) placed the hat on my head.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes and I looked for the reassuring faces of my older brothers, seated at the Gryffindor table, giving me encouraging smiles.

Just then, I almost fell out of my seat as the hat shouted out, "RAVENCLAW!"

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