That Should Be Me - Part 2

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Imagine for Gaby: Part 2:

You stood there, staring at the photo booth picture, eyes wide. You couldn't believe this at all. If you could even move, you'd of been out the door and halfway home by now.

"Uh..." Justin said, pulling at the picture clenched in your hands. Your body felt disconnected from your body. "Come on now," he finally pulled it from your hands and put it in his pocket. You just stood there, staring down, mouth slightly open.

Justin smiled. "I know right...its weird..." he said, clearly thinking the look on your face was a good shock. Hell to the fucking no. You were pissed and upset and angry and... just a mix of emotions.

You stood there without a word. Justin stared at you and asked, "Gabs? You ok?"

You looked up then. You knew your eyes were wet, you could feel it. You tried to pass it off as happiness, so you forced a smile on your face. "Yeah...! I'm just...h-h-happy for you, Jus-s. Uh, but I gotta go...see you later..."

You turned around and headed for the doors, hoping he believed your horrible lie. Once you got home, you went right to your room and cried your eyes out. You cried the rest of the day and all night. You didn't even know why you were acting like this, either.  You've never had feelings for Justin - or at least you thought you didn't - till now.

You cried yourself to sleep that night. Then the next day, you waited for Justin to come over like always. He never did, so you kiked him:

Hey.. where r u...

You waited for him to immediately read the message - like always. He didn't. About 10 minutes passed and the message was still unread. You the decided to make breakfast while you waited, when finally you got a message back:


Right after you read it, Justin walked through the door. Happiness filled you for about half a second when someone else walked in behind him...


"Hey Gaby!" Selena said, coming to give you a hug. You fake a smile and slightly hug back. Then you give Justin a nice, warm, full hug... but you didn't get the same from him. He barely hugged you when he pulled away after a second to sit by Selena. Your face dropped.

"So..." you said, turning around to throw something away. "What brought you here Justin... and, Selena." you said her name a bit sour at the end.

Justin responded. "Just saying hi and were going to the beach, and - "

"I can't come," you interrupted. You didn't want to be that awkward third wheel again.

"Um.." Justin said, when Selena interrupted, "We weren't inviting you. Just telling you." she added a sweet - but evil - smile after it.

"Ok, well I'll see ya later Gabs," Justin said, getting up and taking Selena's hand in his. He didn't even give you a hug he always did.

"Bye." you said, not making eye contact as they walked out the door and shut it. Right when you heard that door snap shut, tears immediately fell down your cheeks...

Days passed, and Justin barely talked to you. He would kik you every once in awhile, but he didn't say much. Only 'hey' then when you responded he would say 'gtg, Selena's here'. It got to the point where you started ignoring his every once in awhile 'hey's, so he stopped saying them. Now you guys don't even talk.

It's been about 4 weeks - a month - and you spent most of your time alone. Justin was your best friend, he was the person you hung out with all the time. Now you had nobody...

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