Chapter 28-Annoying Toddlers!!

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"Díanna stop it" i snapped at Díanna through gritted teeth. She kept touching the stuff in the store and i kept telling her to stop. Dían was sleeping so James just followed me while holding her. We were at the mall picking stuff out for them to wear. Well mostly because i was going to put them in a daycare program so their not in the house 24/7. We had came back down to florida,James was here just until was friday. I was just trying to get this out of the way so we can hang out tommorow.

"Mommy i princess i want dress!" she whined.

"Díanna you have that dress in pink" i sighed.

"I want blue!" she shouted. This girl is so crazy!

"No you already have it"

"I want!" she shouted again. "Daddy! I want blue!!" she whined going over to him.

"Ki just let her have it in blue"

"Do not tell me you seriously are falling for that? Besides there's no point in having the same dress in different colors" i told him.

"Ki just-"

"James no" he sighed.

"Díanna go pick out something else" he said to her. She skipped off down the aisle of the store. After we finally got done getting them some new clothes we went down to the food court.

"Daddy i get cookie!" Díanna asked as we walked.

"Uh.." he looked at me. "After we have lunch"

"Okay" she mumbled. After we ate lunch and the twins had a cookie we went home. After getting everything put away the twins fell asleep and i was on the verge of it. I went into the room where James was changing.

"Hey so they went to sleep?" he asked putting on a tanktop.

"Yea" i shut the door. James came around the bed and walked over to me. He began kissing my neck. "James" i giggled wrapping my arms around his neck. He got right on the soft spot of my neck and it was all lust from there.


I woke up in the morning to the shower running. I saw the door was shut and James was gone. I sat up and heard my phone ringing like crazy. I grabbed one of James' shirts put it on and searched for my phone. I found it on the floor and saw i had 3 missed calls from Stephanie. I calle her back.

"Oh my gosh! Ki you won't belive this!" she shouted in the phone.


"Im pregnant Ki!" She sounded like she was crying.

"Oh my gosh are-are you serious? Where's Jake?"

"Yes im serious and he went out to get us some towels...Ki what do i tell him? I don't know what to do!" she cried.

"Just tell him....doesn't he want a family?"

"Yea but....does he want the baby this soon?"

"Just tell him"

"He's back!" she whispered.

"Tell him then call me kay?"

"Okay thanks" she hung up.

"Who was that?" James asked comeing out with a towel wrapped around himself. It was'nt that high up on him.

"Stephanie! Im gonna be an Auntie!" i shouted.

"Wow Jake knocked up your sister in-law!" he said mimicking my excitedness.

"Shutup you knocked me up four years ago..." i chuckled.

My brother's best friend got me pregnant!!Where stories live. Discover now