Chapter 19

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I think I'm In Love With a Malfoy




Chapter 19 - Hopes and wishes

Lily's POV

I sank down to the floor against the wall, crying into my sleeves so that the sounds were muffled. The thing was, I didn't know what I was really crying for. Or for whom. Was I crying for Lorcan was in that room, very close to being dead, or was I crying about the fact that I had just let the most amazing guy in my life go. Just like that. Or was it a mix of both.

Why did you make him leave? I scolded myself. Can't you see that he was the one holding you together? Now you're just a mess!

I gripped the vial in my hand tightly, almost breaking it. This small amount of liquid could solve this...if it worked that is. The only problem was, that after what he had done, even if it healed him and he wasn't dead...I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to break up with him anyway. I mean it would be so selfish. So either way, I still may not be able to be with Scorpius.

Maybe you two just weren't to be? A voice echoed in my brain.

I heard footsteps beside me and I looked up hoping it might have been Scorpius coming back to tell me that he had found a way to fix all of this. That Lorcan was alive and happy, that we could finally be able to be together officially, without all the secrecy. And then he would hold me in his arms-

But it wasn't.

It was Lysander. He sank down to the floor opposite me, resting his elbows on his knees, looking at me guiltily. Well you should be...I thought... for last night.

"He's gone."

"Yeah Scorpius' just left."

"No, I meant Lorcan. He's dead."

I think my heart stopped beating for a couple of seconds and a lump formed in my throat.

"No, he's not gone. He can't be gone!"

"I'm sorry Lily. My mum and dad are with him now. Go in if you don't believe me. I mean, why would I lie."

"He can be healed...I have this special potion. It could- It can heal him." I said starting to get up.

"Lily, he's already dead!"

"I can bring him back to life!"

"You can't bring dead people back to life." He was looking at me like I was crazy. I probably did look a bit red hair matted to my cheeks, moist from my tears.

"Well you go tell that to my father when he came back from the dead." I challenged him.

"That - that was different."

"I don't care, he was hit by Voldemort with a killing curse...yet, he's still here. So just have some belief Lysander." With that, I slowly walked into the hospital ward. Lorcan was lying there, like he was earlier, except this time he looked paler than before, if that was even possible, like a vampire. I swallowed that lump in my throat. I hoped to hell this worked, otherwise I don't know if I was ever going to be able to forgive myself.

I approached the bed. Rolf was comforting Luna. It brought fresh tears to my eyes as well, I had never seen her like this. Before she was always up in the clouds, dreamy and blurting out random facts about odd magical creatures or plants, but this site was heartbreaking.

"Luna, I'm really sorry."

"Oh lily, I'm very sorry for your loss as well...I know we aren't the only ones affected."

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