It Never Ends

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I love you all. Thank you guys for reading this story. It means to much to us..



*Alice's POV*

"Are you nervous?" Justin asked me, I shook my head and looked over at who was playing. It was August Burns Red. They're alright, not my type-

"Alice. Listen. I really want you to pay attention." Kellin walked up to Justin and I. I nodded and gave him my best attention face. He started to laugh and said, "No. I'm dead serious." As I stopped making the face he turned towards the buses. "Now. He's probably going to ask who you are after he's making me and Justin answer some awkward questions. So-."

I put my hand up in Kellin's face so he would stop talking. "I've watched his videos before, don't worry I got this." He laughed and Bryan walked over.

Here we go.


*Maddi's POV*

Sense Matt and Oli had an interview in twenty minutes I had to go with him.

I slipped on my, Ice Nine Kills tank top, my white shorts, and finally my grey vans. "Hey, babe. You ready?" Oli asked through the bathroom door. I didn't even answer him. All I did was look at myself in the mirror in disgust.

"Babe? Please answer." He pleaded through the door. "I'm fine, Oli." I snapped. He stopped talking and walked away from the door. "Maddi! Open the fuck up." I heard Matt yell. "Oli went outside. Please open the door." At the moment he was about to walk away I opened the door.

"Jesus. You okay?" He asked I nodded slowly and walked out the door to see Oli waiting for me. "Babe! You're alright?" He seemed surprised. When he hugged me he whispered in my ear, "You didn't hurt yourself did you?" I shook my head and he sighed heavily. "Good."

When Matt came out of the bus he brought some crackers with him. "Want some?" I shook my head. When Matt, Oli, and I were walking we all would bump into each other to piss Matt off, because it would make him drop his crackers.

At that moment, Oli and I locked hands.


*Libby's POV*

"Baby you're a firework!" I screamed as I walked out of the bus. "Yes, babe. You are very much a firework." Andy said patting me on the back. I laughed and we walked backstage from where August Burns Red was playing.

"Fuck. This band is sick." I yelled imitating the guitar playing and the drums. Everyone started to laugh at me when I bumped into someone.

"Holy shit. Sorry bro." Then when I looked it was Justin Hills. "Oh. Hey Justin, you haven't met me..but I'm Libby. Alice's friend." He laughed and I patted him on the back.

"So what are you guys doing?" I asked him. "We're doing a Bryan Stars interview. I think Andy and Jinxx were supposed to join." He said. I nodded and ran over towards Andy.

"Interview I see." He laughed with the cigarette in his mouth, "I have a quick question though." He told me while putting it out. I nodded and he began, "what was the whole thing about me smelling like cigarettes?" I blushed and looked down. "I don't think this is the best place to tell you. Maybe later."

He nodded and kissed the top my head.


*Maddi's POV*

"So what am I supposed to do?" I asked Oli again. He looked over and walked over towards me. "Just stand here behind the camera person and smile. You'll be alright." Oli told me while kissing me.

It Feels Like I'm Sleepwalking - BMTH, SWS, BVB Fan Fic.Where stories live. Discover now