Version One

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Michael (Chapter 21)

               “Yeah, so then I picked up the parcel and she completely ignored me! She even pretended it wasn’t hers!” Nico mutters frustratedly.

Dixon smirks at him, patting his shoulder lightly. “Tough break man.”

               “Humm...but what about you and the oh-so-beautiful Skylar?” Nico prods.

               “I honestly don’t know...there’s definitely something she’s hiding from me,” Dixon murmurs pathetically.

I notice Haden stiffen a little as he fiddles with his phone. He’s listening as intently as any one of us guys.

               “Morning Skye!” the girls chorus making me look up to see Skye walking across the green grass a little hesitantly. She looks distracted. Guilty.

               “Hey,” she mumbles before dropping her gaze.

               “Where’s Connor?” Haden asks loudly, no doubt trying to gain her attention.

               “Sick,” she mumbles softly.

               “Skye! You have to see what Emma...” and the girls begin their gossiping.

I turn back to Dixon, watching him glower at Haden slightly.

               “He isn’t worth your time, man,” I mumble.

               “Looks like he’s worth Skye’s though,” he spits.

               “Oh my god! Skye! Is that a hickey?!” Kirsten suddenly exclaims, making everyone nearby stop and stare.

Kirsten has Skye’s hair pulled away from her neck. And sure enough, there on her long, slender neck is a bright, red bruise. A hickey for sure.

But if Dixon gave her that hickey...why is he so down right now?

I feel my blood boil a little. I know Dixon is my best mate and all...but Skye should be mine! I spotted her first! I even told Dixon how pretty I thought she was, as she walked past us in the corridor one day.

And what happens the next day? He starts flirting with her, laying on the charm. Within a week he announces that they’re together.

Friends don’t do that to friends! Sure I didn’t exactly say I wanted to her, but it was implied!

The only reason I can keep my cool is because I know Skye and Dixon’s relationship isn’t very physical. How that happened, I haven’t a clue. But I am extremely grateful for it!

Skye blushes deeply, looking panicked. Her sweet, beautiful face is only that much more startlingly breathtaking when she’s embarrassed.

               “No! Of course not! It’s a burn, from my curling iron,” she stammers.

Does she really think that’s going to convince anyone?

               “Nice going Dixon!” Nico smiles, giving him a fist bump.

But Dixon isn’t grinning or anything. His eyes zero in on his girlfriends neck.

And then it hits me! He didn’t give her that hickey! That’s why he’s being so silent and morose! But if he didn’t give her that hickey...who did?

Automatically, my eyes land on Haden. He’s alert, but he doesn’t look surprised at all. He has a soft smile on his face as his eyes drink in Skye’s appearance.

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