School? -Chapter 53

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First day of school tomorrow, yay. And boo, because I don't like all my classmates. Well, I obviously like Sam and my friends too. But that's all I guess.

~Sam's POV~

Yesterday when I got back home, my mom gave me a full rant about being at Thory's so late. I was just standing there like, ugh, leave me alone already. I have a good relationship with my mom, don't get me wrong, I just don't like her rants. I couldn't really sleep last night, I've been thinking. I told her I love her and all she replied with was 'mhmm'. Maybe she doesn't love me back?

Maybe Ryan was right? Maybe she really was just using me to forget Cody? Oh wait, I know! She was really tired remember? Yeah, that's probably it. Tired.. Oh, hey, tomorrow it's the first day of school! I'm so excited! I really want to meet Thory's friends, she doesn't really talk about them. I wonder why that is.. Did she talk about her friends with Cody? I'm so confused.

~Thory's POV - Night before first day of school~

Sam didn't stop by today but he did text me, saying something about getting everything ready for school. Alrighty then.

~First day of school - 6 am~

I was peacefully sleeping when suddenly I heard someone, singing? "Go to sleep, wake up, you're pretty with, no make-up" The person sang. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at my door. "Shut up!" I shouted. "But it's already 6 am! We need to get ready for school! Come on, come on! It's the first day!" He yelled out of excitement, I now recognized the voice. It was Sam, of course, he must have come in through the backdoor again.

Well, 6 am is the time I usually get up so why not. I stood up and opened the curtains, letting the sunshine come in through the window. I chose some clothes and told Sam to stay out as I put them on. I brushed my hair and walked into the diningroom. The table was already set, as always, my mom always does that before she leaves for work. But today she didn't have to work, she took a day of because this was my first day of school.

I hugged Sam and heard the toilet flush. "Mom?" I questioned while walking to the bathroom. "Goodmorning sweety" She said as she hugged me. "Oh hey Sam. Sneaking into our house again huh? I seriously need to change the locks" She laughed. Sam started to blush. "Sit down you two, have breakfast, I'll be right with you" She smiled and walked to the kitchen to get more coffee.

"I like your mom" Sam chuckled. "I like her too, and I like yours" I said. "Well I like you" He winked. "Yeah, I like you too" I nervously smiled. We had breakfast and then my mom drove us to school.

"Thanks for driving us mom" I said as I closed the door of the car. "You're welcome. Have fun!" She shouted as we walked through the gate of my school. I walked to the toilets, fingers entwined with Sam's. "Well, here are the girls restrooms, and there are the boys" I pointed. "See you in a bit" I spoke as I walked into the restrooms.

~5 minutes later~

Aurélie arrived at school, YAY! I was sitting on a bench with Sam, just talking. Aurélie walked up to us and sat down right across Sam and me. "Hey, who's your friend?" She asked me. "Sam. I met him in Australia and we became friends. Now he lives next door and goes to our school. He'll be in our class too!" I cheered.

"So, did 'you know who' call again?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Nope. And you can say his name in front of Sam, he met him too" I chuckled. "Glad he's out of your life?"

She asked. "Yeah.." I nervously laughed. Why am I so nervous? "She wants to maybe give him a chance to explain himself" Sam suddenly spoke.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Thory" Aurélie shook her head. "Sam, did you really have to say that?" I whispered while elbowing him in the side. "She's your bestfriend right? Why can't she know then?" "Never mind" I mumbled.

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