That Should Be Me - Part 1

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Imagine for Gaby: Part 1:
You’re parents are out on vacation, and you are home alone. Your parents left a week ago, and pretty much every day since then you’ve been hanging out with your best friend, Justin. He should be over any minute by now.
You get out of bed and see how messy your hair looks. You debate on whether or not you should brush it, but you put it up into a messy bunch instead. You w...alk downstairs in your gray sweatpants and tank top, and sat down on the couch to wait for Justin.
You flip through channels when you finally hear the door open. You see Justin coming around the corner smiling. “Hey,” he said, sitting down next to you. You smiled back.
“So, what are we doing today?” he asked, putting his feet on the table and lying back into the couch.
“I don’t know...I don’t really feel good,” you admitted. You were on your period and you were having cramps here and there.
“Oh,” he said. “We can just hang out here all day?” he offered. You smiled and nodded your head. “We can watch that one movie...Er, spring breakers?”
You and Justin have wanted to see that movie since it came into theaters, but you never got around to it. Now it wasn’t even in theaters anymore, but it was on Netflix. Your best friend Selena (who Justin doesn’t even know) acts in the movie, and you wanted to see it to support her. Justin said he’d see it with you.
“Yeah! I’ll get it on Netflix, can you go make popcorn please?” you asked. He got up without hesitation and walked into the kitchen. You looked through the movies until you found the one. You pressed ‘watch’ and hit pause while you waited for Justin.
He came back with popcorn, and a glass of orange juice. “For your stomach, I know you like orange juice.” You thanked him while you sipped through the straw he put in it and ate some of the popcorn. You hit play and you both were quiet through the first couple minutes of the movie, until Justin broke the silence.
“Damn,” he mumbled, eyes glued to the screen. It was at a scene where the girls were all in bikinis, so you laughed.
“You’re such a guy,” you said, sipping your orange juice.
“I’m sorry but mmm, who’s that brunette?” he asked, staring right at your best friend, Selena.
“Um...that’s, that’s Selena,” you replied.
He turned his head and his eyes lit up. “Serious, bro?” you nodded your head. “Can you invite her to do something today?!” he asked.
“Why..?” you asked.
“Because, I wanna meet her,” he put a few popcorns in his mouth and went on. “She’s so...pretty. What’s she like?”
You didn’t want to tell him, but you did anyway. Better then telling him why you didn’t wanna tell him.
“She’s really...sweet, she can be...weird I guess, sometimes but she’s funny and nice. I don’t know...” your eyes were glued to the screen the whole time, watching Selena, the girl Justin liked now. Your best friend.
“Can we do something today with her?” he asked eagerly. You shrugged your shoulders.
“Aw, come on. Call her, please Gaby?” he pleaded. You had to give in, he really did like her...and for some reason, the thought of that made you jealous. Really jealous.
“Fine!” you said, grabbing your phone from the table. You called Selena, secretly hoping with everything you had she wouldn’t answer.
“Hello?” she answered the phone. Damn, you thought.
“Hey Selena...its Kristah...W-What are you doing today?” you hoped again that she was too busy to hangout.
“Nothing! Why?” you let out a huge sigh. You had to invite her now.
“ you want to do something today? With me and...Justin?” you closed your eyes and hoped she’d say no, but you knew that wasn’t going to happen before she replied ‘yes’. You agreed to meet at the mall in an hour. You threw your phone on the coffee table and said, “Happy?” to Justin.
He looked at you a little confused with how you were acting, but just figured it was your stomach, so he shook it off and got back to watching the movie. Justin kept trying to make conversation with you about Selena, but you tried to ignore him as best you could, occasionally saying “mhmm” and “yep” and “right”. It got to the point where he stopped talking and started looking at the clock every 5 seconds, hoping for time to pass quickly. You kept looking at the clock, too, but you wanted time to go by slow. It didn’t, you and Justin were up and out the door in no time.
Once you two reached the mall, you saw Selena sitting on a bench. You could see Justin’s eyes light up, pissing you off. You walked over to Selena and gave her a hug. Justin gave her one too, pissing you off even more.
“Hey, I’m Justin.” He said, smiling into her eyes. She smiled back and said, “I’m Selena.”
“And I’m Gaby, now let’s go do something.” You grabbed Justin’s hand and pulled him with you to walk around. You looked back to Selena and said, “Well, coming?” she smiled and followed you guys.
You kept trying to make conversation with Justin, but he kept looking at Selena. You then tried to make conversation with Selena, but Justin kept interrupting you. You tried casually standing in between them, but Justin would lean over you, making you back up. Nothing worked, Justin didn’t even pay attention to you at all, and it hurt. He was acting like he liked Selena more than you.
Gaby, stop! You told yourself. You’re not even dating him, he’s just a friend!
It got to the point where you just completely gave up and started walking behind them silently. You watched them as they laughed, talked, and even held hands. You wanted to just sink to the ground and cry, but you didn’t. Instead you faked a cramp.
“Ow, ow, ow!” you said, grabbing your stomach for show. Justin and Selena didn’t even notice.
“Whatever,” you mumbled. You figured you didn’t need to fake a cramp to get away from them; if you just walked away without a word, nobody would notice. It was like you weren’t there.
You walked over to a bench and sat down. You thought about how you regretted so much telling Justin that Selena was your best friend. You regretted so much telling him you wanted to watch her in Spring Breakers with him. You regretted so much telling him the brunette in the movie was Selena. You regretted all of that so much.
You didn’t know why you were acting like this though...You’ve never had feelings about Justin before? Why now? You laid your face in your hands and sat there like that for who knows how long, when you felt somebody sit next to you.
“Gaby?” Justin asked. You looked up at him and quickly looked away. You didn’t want to see him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, putting his arm around you, like he always did when you were sad. You shook it off though.
“Nothing,” you told him coldly, getting up and walking to the exit of the mall. You just wanted to go home.
“What did I do?” he asked, following behind you. “Gaby!”
You turned around and faced him. You were so close to tears, but you held them back. “This whole time you haven’t said one goddamn word to me, Justin! Like I wasn’t even there! Like, what the hell?! You guys didn’t even notice when I was gone!” you didn’t mention how you didn’t like the fact that he liked Selena. You didn’t mention the fact that you like Justin, and you wanted him to be yours, not Selena’s.
“I know, I know.” He said, “I’m sorry. I just really like Selena, Gaby...I’m sorry though, and I feel bad.” He looked you in the eye. “Please forgive me?”
No matter how much you wanted to hate him right now, you couldn’t. Despite all the things you were pissed at today, and still pissed at, you forgave him. You gave him a hug when he pulled away.
“Oh guess what me and Selena did?” he said, getting all excited. You acted interested as you asked what. That’s when he pulled out the photo booth pictures. You looked through them; one picture of them smiling, one of them doing a funny face, one of them messing each other’s hair up, then one of them...kissing.

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