Chapter 1: March 1: Gifts

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Valentina P.O.V

 Today March 1, 2013 is the 3rd year that i have been mated to Mason and Blaze and i have no clue whatsoever to get them for a gift. I am going to ask them secretly of what they want right now.

 As i walk out of our room, i noticed that my baby bump can not be seen yet because last week the pack doctor said that it will take around 3-4 weeks until my baby bump can be see through my shirt. Anyways, as i reach to the office, i hear that Blaze and Mason are laughing about something so i go in without knocking to see what they are laughing about.

"What is going on here?" I ask

"Babe, we were laughing about something that was really funny that's all." Mason said

"It better be. Anyways, i want you two to  think of something that you always wanted." I said

 "Well... i don't want anything at all right now." Blaze said

"I want like a new Iphone but right now i have everything i ever wanted."Mason said

Damn... ok so Mason wants a Iphone but which one? Iphone 3,4,5? Plus Blaze doesn't want anything at all so i have to get him something cool...

"Ok. Thanks for telling me, now go back to what you two were laughing at." I said


(A/N) This is just a little thing i wanted to add :)

*Hint* That is Blaze & Mason →→ 

*Another Hint: That is a cover "Call Me Maybe" that the models did which Mason & Blaze are there but as Giovanni Bonamy (the sexy model) →→

-Princeton_Misfit ;)

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