"You know, as a mind reader, I can dig into your mind and find out everything I want to about you," he informed me with a smirk.

"Then why bother asking me?" I replied, trying not to flinch at his words. If he saw my whole past and everything about me... Let's just say I don't want that to happen.

He studied me before asking, "Why don't you want me to know your past?"

"Damn mind reader," I muttered before answering, "Because there are some things I'd like to forget and things I regret. I'm already your slave. The least you can do is respect the privacy of my past."

"Fine with me," Blaze responded, shrugging his shoulders. "So, what's your favorite color?"

"Black," I replied simply.

"Really?" One of his eyebrows rose questioningly. "Why's that?"

"Be glad I even answered the question," I retorted.

Blaze glared. "I'm your master, sweetheart. Get over it, and do as I say."

"Make me," I snarled.

Blaze jumped on top of me, knocking me flat on my back. There really wasn't anything I could do with my hands behind my back, so I kneed him in his special spot. He flinched, but stayed on top of me. His hand came back, and I immediately flinched, closing my eyes and preparing myself for the pain.

"You flinched."

I glared up at Blaze who was staring down at me. "Yes, I flinched. Happy? Now get off of me, you fat lump!"

Instead of getting off like I asked, he sat down. On top of me! My glare deepened at this. I'm not a fan of being sat on by annoying royal vampires. Then again, I'm also not a fan of being kidnapped then sold as a slave to vampires, and yet here I am! Bought by the Prince of all vampires. Lovely.

"I would expect you to face it, not moving, and not showing any signs of feeling pain."

"Sorry to disappoint you," I spat at him. "Now could you get off? This is hurting my hands and arms a lot more than it should since you're on top of me!"

Blaze did the most unexpected thing. Keeping me down, he rolled me over and broke the handcuffs off of me before rolling me back over onto my back. Placing one hand on either side of my head, he leaned down until our faces were so close I could feel his cold breathe hitting my skin. I pushed on his chest as hard as I could. Before I was taken I was strong. I would exercise, workout, and eat healthy, but that all changed once I was taken. I can still workout with pushups and other things in my cell, but I've changed. Now I'm weaker from lack of food, sunlight, and moving around in general. All day I'm stuck in a prison cell or tied up and being tortured. I'd think I wouldn't be as strong as I once was.

"Now why would I do that?" he asked huskily.

"But I hate you enough as it is," I seethed.

He pouted at me. "Aw, hate is such a strong word."

"Which is why I use it."

"Sir, we're here," one of the guards said as he opened the door.

The guard's eyes widened as he saw our position. Yeah, mine would too. I'm on the floor with Blaze on top of me. Blaze has a hand on either side of my head with my own hands placed on his chest. Oh, and the fact that our faces are only a couple inches apart.

What a lovely sight this must be, I thought.

Blaze let out an amused snort. Right. Mind reader. I better get used to that.

Blaze got off of me and climbed out of the limo. "Grab her and bring her inside. My father wants to meet her," he ordered before walking off.

The guard picked me up roughly and dragged me out of the limo. He slammed the door shut before pulling me over to a huge mansion that loomed in front of us. It was magnificent! The landscape was beautiful, and the white paint on the building shone with the sunlight. I looked around to see think forest surrounding it. A small smile formed on my lips. I loved the woods.

"What's your name?" I asked the guard.

"Nothing," he responded.

Smirking, I said, "Nice to meet you, Nothing."

An irritated growl sounded from him, making my smirk widen.

"Did your mom name you Nothing because you mean nothing to her? You must mean nothing to a lot of people to have that name. You're probably worth nothing, too. And when people call your name to get your attention, calling you 'Nothing' is pretty much saying you are nothing. Wow, I feel bad for you," I sneered, smirking the whole time.

By the time we got to the doors of the mansion, the guard was ready to kill me. He had a murderous look on his face, and he was glaring daggers at me. Every time I said something, his grip would tighten. I'd just ignore the pain and continue. It was fun, and it gave me something to do. I'm a troublemaker so why not cause trouble?

"You picked a troublesome one," a deep voice said.

I whipped my head in the direction of the voice. There Blaze was standing with the King and Queen of vampires.


hey guys loved the comments!!!! anyway, here's the next chapter.

and i was wondering...


plz let me know



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