One of the five kingdoms (EARTH)

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Okay there are five other storyes that will come with this one but they will not be written until one is done.

*******************************HERE WE GO!!!!!!! Love XdreamerX**********************************************

#################ROCKY P.O.V###########################

I hate this place.

I hate the people who work here.

I hate the People who come here.

The most thing that i hate is HIM.

He is 17 and is going to run a country when he cant even CUT his own eggs. The king loke can. But no not luke. No one cares because of his looks well he going to learn even it i have ducktape the knife and fork in his hands, and show him the mo- "Rocky?" sigh "yeah"? " loke want to see you in his office" said lulu she the oldest maid and the boss of maids. "okay" i pulled down my dress. We have to wear short dresses. With our hair up. The dress show tomuch skin Top and bottom. I look in the mirror And add my blue eyeliner. And put my long red hair up With a blue ribbion. I walk down the hall To see lulu mopping. I walked into Loke study. See there three kinds of maids. A house maid , a sex miad and then both. Me i am both. "yes Loke"? "Sit down please." he saids while moving to sit behind his desk. I sat waiting for him to talk . " I am going to get straight to the point." He looks at me with his dark green eyes. It kind pops with his gray hiar. " you are going to be luke personal Miad" I sat the wide eyed and stood and walk or more like ran out.

##############################Luke P.o.v########################################

Yes i have the sex maid as my personal maid. you know what means? FEAK IN BED and NO SLEEP :)


Bad luke. Wow

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2011 ⏰

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