Chapter 27: They're here part 2

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Hello!! Ayan ahh.. sinipag akong i-update toh eh xD.. naka-Ipad lang ako kaya pag-tiyagaan nyo na :3 .. SIMULA PO NGAYON EVERY WEEKENDS NA LANG ANG UPDATE KO, or pag may time weekdays, busy po kasi talaga eh -3-


Rose's POV

*Sigh* what a boring class (=__=).. I mean I studied that lesson for like 100 times already duh!! We just come here in Philippines to protect HER from someone.. I was in the middle of doodling when a vision of mine occured O_O

"What the!!-Geraldine, I think her vision occured too that's why she's shocked like me.. Gino's not here so I don't know if his vision occured too or not

"Is there a problem Ms. Dela Rosa??- Ma'am, Geraldine just shook her head shyly.. I stood up and quickly go out of the classroom.. I heard the teacher call me but I don't mind.. I have to see what my siblings will do...

"Oh, ci aspettiamo che tu sia qui il mio caro (Oh, we're expecting you to be here my dear)- Uncle Antonio, he's grinning as if he likes what he's gonna do (=__=)

"Why would would you punish her??- Me, I mean she is a very honorable person, why would they punish her??

"Domanda semplice mio caro, perché lei ha violato una regola, ma, ovviamente, non si sa per che causa si può viaggiare solo 312 anni, ma prima di questo, non si può (Simple question my dear, because she violated a rule but obviously you don't know about that cause you can only travel 312 years ago but before that, you can't)- Aunt Max, yep, I only know the events after my birth but before that I have no idea.. that's the limit of my gift

"Whatever auntie, I just want to see how you punish her- Me, and then we go somewhere we can find HER


"My dear Xandra I'm so glad to see you- Rina (not used on calling her grandma cause she looks the same age as me xD), yep it's tita Xandra they're going to punish, I guess she violated a rule too (-__-") why some vampires are so silly to violate a rule even they do know the consequences if they violated one.. I just can't get it!!

"Oh Rina, I've heard of you and your family go here at my school from some students, who violated a rule again?? and why is that vampire too important that the council let you and your family punish him??- Tita Xandra, yep she don't know anything on what will happen, others can't read our minds due to our gift of travelling through time, it includes your thoughts to be safe, for more thrill ^__^

"Of course they're very important because of some reasons and you know what...- Rina, she paused before saying that tita Xandra's gonna be punished.. she grinned when she saw tita Xandra look so curious on who are the ones they punished she just don't know that she is the one who's gonna be punished

"YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN VIOLATED A RULE!!- Aunt Yzabel, and then she electrolyzed tita Xandra to death (nearly) and aunt Max turned in a very huge lion and attacked tita Xandra, OMG.. I think aunt Max used her gift, TOO MUCH cause tita Xandra's head fell off

"Max, stop it now.. just let Yzabel do it, you've done too much- Rina, and just after a blink of an eye aunt Max transofrmed back and then walk away and aunt Yzabel electrolyzed tita Xandra's body.. wait, that's her punishment.. why would she even do a VERY STUPID thing??!! (Miss A: She knew Xandra's punishment through how hard they punish Xandra, she knew about those cause she's a prophecy-keeper too)

Aunt Yzabel stopped electrolyzing tita Xandra all ready, but we heard the door forced open, who the hell entered tita Xandra's office without knocking?!!

"What the f*** have you done??!!- ???, I looked at who talked.. the Denali's are here, I think they heard us from Alaska

"We did the right thing, she just violated a law and we punish her- Uncle Antonio, his words are familiar.. hmmmm

It Started with a VAMPIRE'S Kiss (ISVK) KathNiel FF.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon