Happy Travels

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"Absolutely fucking not!" Mark hollers.

I expected the reaction, so I don't bother yelling back. Liss and Nat are shouting too, whether at me or Mark or each other, I just don't know. I sit back and let them debate it.

The fact is - it doesn't matter how much they shout. It doesn't even matter if they decide they hate the idea of ​​moving onto the bus with the band. What matters is my decision. It sounds awful, it really does, but it's true. If I decide to join them, my group will follow. They don't know how to exist without me. If I think it's for the best and I leave, they wouldn't dare stay behind.

So while they shout and bellow back and forth about their own feelings, I weigh the pros and cons.

On the one hand, it will be another responsibility for me.

On the other, they might not be as burdensome as my own group. Gerard and Mikey have fed me for the last few days, Frank and Ray have helped when I've asked. They're always careful to look after Pandora. Perhaps... Perhaps they won't be much trouble.

The bus really is a benefit. We'll keep the car, for the sake of my need to run around, but the bus is a fortress. It's a safe place to stay on the road and while I ready a house.

That's another thing. A house big enough to accommodate four people has never been an issue to find. A house big enough to fit eight? That will always be a struggle. Another drawback to this conundrum.

What it boils down to, essentially, is if I want to be around these men.

Mikey and Ray haven't quite figured me out. They both seem wary, distant, guarded. This isn't unforgivable; I have acted the same. Despite this, I sense that Mikey is kind and helpful, with a sharp wit and a gentle soul. Ray seems calm, steady and reliable. Solid as a rock, and unmoved by the sharper aspects of my personality.

Gerard is a difficult case. I believe that Gerard is the one that's really pushed for this future I find myself considering. He's as kind and considerate as his brother, with a thoughtful, honest energy to him. To my weary soul, he's a breath of fresh air. I find myself worrying about how it will affect Gerard if I say no.

Frank... Well, I'm not sure what to make of Frank. He's temperamental and cynical, and too sarcastic for his own good. He's an asshole, there's no doubt, but not so much that I dislike him. More like... I feel challenged by him. There is passion and honesty in every snapped comment, in every deadpan question. I cannot deny the obvious either, despite his shit attitude and his severe nature... Frank has made me laugh more in these last few days than I have in ten months.

And there is the debt to consider; my obligation and duty to two little girls. Would they want me to say yes? Would they forgive me if I threw away this opportunity?

Maybe, if I keep this ridiculous group of men alive... I make up for everything that happened. Perhaps there is some sort of... Redemption in this choice. Maybe those girls, whose faces I refuse to picture and names I cannot bare to think, would forgive some of the tragedy I failed to prevent.

"A fucking-" Mark is yelling at Alissa, "A fucking rock band? What need do we have of them? What good could they do us? What sort of fucking use could they be?!"

"They were nice guys!" Alissa shouts back, "And you didn't see this bus! The bus alone is worth it!"

Mark starts to shout back, but I cut over him.

"I've decided." I announce, and haul myself out of the low armchair. Pandora whines and butts her head into my leg. "I'm going to say yes."

"I'm not fucking doing it!" Mark snarls, dark eyes wide and furious. "I'm not moving into a bus! I'm not living with-"

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