Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll-Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve 


"I like pancakes, I like pancakes, I like, like, I like pancakes." I sang as I ate, you guessed it, pancakes, that my darling personal maid Jenna, made for me. 

"Run that by me one more time, Do you fancy pancakes by any chance?" she joked and I smiled, 

"Yeah, they're all right, I guess." I shrugged and she punched my arm playfully. 

"Oh belt up, you know I make the best." she grinned and I nodded, 

"That is definitely true... Oh, and you know what else I like besides pancakes, Jenna darling?" I asked with a smirk and she raised an eyebrow. 

"What's that now?" she asked and I hopped off the stool, placed at the large white marble kitchen counter beside her. 

"Waking Curtis up, early on a Saturday morning! Go go gadget alarm clock!" I exclaimed happily and ran upstairs. I was totally winded by the time I got up there, so I took a five minute break to catch my breath before sneaking in.

It was pitch black in the room, so I made my way across by memory and whipped the curtains open, he winced and covered his head with his thick blankets, grumbling and I jumped on the bed and plopped down beside him, rolling on top of him. 

"Rylee, get off." he whined and I sighed, 

"Princess, get up." I mimicked him and he jerked his body, so I fell off him. "Curtis." I whined and he mocked me. 

"Rylee." he groaned, after I tugged the blankets off his head. 

"Your parents are coming home tomorrow." I smiled and he sat up with eyes wide with fake excitement, 

"Really? Oh boy, should I bake a cake of some sort? Or should I maybe do a quick cleaning before they arrive? Oh, I'm so excited!" he exclaimed sarcastically and I stared him blankly. 

"You done?" I asked and he shrugged, 

"Yeah." he muttered and I sighed. 

"Good! Because if you act like a douche around them, they're going to rush the wedding even faster! Do you know that there's only four months left!?" I exclaimed, worried, and his eyes went wide.

"What?! Four months! That's impossible!" he shouted, jumping out of bed and checking his catalogue with all the half naked models on it on the wall. "Oh, bloody hell!" he exclaimed and I chuckled. "Why are you laughing? This is no laughing matter!" he hollered, pacing around frantically. 

"You said "Bloody hell" hehe...You're so British. And relax, we can get a divorce right after and it'll all be good." I reassured him calmly and he raised an eyebrow. 

"No we can't. We have to wait six months before getting divorced. It's in the contract our parents signed." he corrected me and I jumped up, 

"What?!" I shouted and he nodded, 

"Yeah, and did I mention my mother added in the contract that I have to to get you knocked up on the wedding night?" he smirked and my eyes went wide. 

"Well, I think we have come to an agreement that we must find a way prolong the engagement." I mumbled, spacing my hands far apart just to have the extra effect on "prolong".

"I came up here all excited to tell you it's the two month anniversary of when I arrived... And now I'm sad." I pouted and he chuckled giving me a hug. 

"Don't be, we'll sort it out." he consoled me and I let myself go, my body now floppy like a spaghetti noodle in his arms. 

"No," I whined and he chuckled letting me drop the floor, "We're so screwed." I curled up in a ball on the floor and he sighed, walking back to his bed. 

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