Chapter 1

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A fog so thick,


The lies within.


A power of grace,

An heiress,

To inherit it's traits.

Chapter 1

They told me I was special.

The day I was born, I was surrounded by mist. The nurses described it as an unexplained occurrence, the minute my innocent cries pierced and shattered the quiet of the small operating room, immediately the fog started to creep through the door holes and wrapped itself around me, concealing me from plain sight. 

Was I special because mist claimed me since birth? Or because of my iridescent eye? Or was it for the fact that my mother died giving birth to me?

I had a theory. I was special because I was an outcast.

My birth, my mother's death apparently was too much for my father. In the end, before I even had a chance to breathe in my first gasp of air, he left me to the hands of the sisters. Dumping me in a rotten orphanage and hoping to get rid of me, and that was before I even knew how to crawl.

Fifteen years and a half had passed, and yet I still remained, living the same routine, still imprisoned in the confinement of this dull, lifeless hole I pathetically called home. Never have I ever have the chance to explore the world beyond the gates. I was not permitted to. 

When I was younger, I didn't understand. Why other children get to go out and play where I have to stay back and scrub the floors? Why do they get field trips where I have to stay behind and clean the mess? I learned a long time ago that curiosity kills, I got the whips on my back to prove it.

Yes, the sisters whipped me. Was that unbelievable? A member of a holy congregation laid hands on a worthless, innocent soul? To cause harm to others when they pledged to serve the poor? I never thought the sisters in our Orphanage to be real sisters anyway. In fact, strange things do happen in this Orphanage, things that happened only at night, when the sun had safely tucked away in the lines of the horizon.

'Misty, Sister Judith asked for you.' A sister's voice on my door jerked me away from my trail of thoughts. I was looking out into the grey sky, imagining a world filled with colours and hope. The orphanage had an ominous feeling towards it, and the weirdest thing about it was that the compound was constantly surrounded by a thick fog, secluding us from the rest of the world. From my window, it was hard to see anything beyond the gates, not a sight of humanity except for the residents of the Orphanage. 

'It's urgent.' the sister spoke again and I turned back to glance at her. She was the new sister in the Orphanage and I often see her running errands for the senior sisters. She was dressed in a black robe with her blonde hair pulled back so tightly it pulled against her skin. She looked younger that the others though. Around her neck was a pendant with a blood red ruby and she seemed to be clutching it so tightly that her knuckles turned white. The sisters do that whenever they are near me, but I never knew why.

I nodded and turned to my bed to collect the worn clothes I left there. My back was still stinging from the fresh wounds that Sister Judith had inflicted me with. The other sister gasped when she  saw my lashes. I felt sorry for her, others would take satisfaction in seeing me beaten, perhaps it was because she's new. Gently, I pulled the cloth onto my skin but I  couldn't help but cursed as the fabric brushes against my raw skin. 

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