12- demon vs demon

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Warnings: This is a fan fiction crossover featuring Naruto and Bleach. In no way shape or form do I own the series and/or its characters. This story however is an original idea that I have had for a while now and decided that it is time that I got around to writing it. Some of the characters may seem a bit OCC so please don't hate me for it!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental speech*, (author notes), bold - Kyuubi & Shirosaki speaking, italic - attacks/jutsu, -spirits/hollows speaking-

Chapter 12- demon vs. demon

Since meeting Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto had a very strong dislike for the Uchiha heir. Sasuke felt that he was better than anyone else and that he needed no one. It wasn't because of Sasuke's attitude that Naruto hated him it was because he was related to the bastard that forcefully ripped Kyuubi from out of his mother while she was having Naruto. Madara Uchiha then used his Sharingan to take control of Kyuubi forcing the demon fox to attack the village.

"All right team I want to do some quick team work exorcises. I need to know what your capable of especially when it comes to you Sasuke and Sakura." stated Yamato.

"Why bother? Those two are only going to hold me back." stated Sasuke rolling his eyes at Naruto and Ichigo.

"Sasuke... your so cool!" screeched out Sakura. Suddenly without warning Naruto had grabbed Sasuke by the color of his shirt. His eyes were now like Kyuubi's as they were blood red with cat-like slits. His three wh.isker marks became much broader as a pair of fangs lengthened.

"You think that you so high and mighty that you are better than everyone else. Let me tell you this Sasuke, I could tell you things about your clan that would make you ashamed of your blood line." growled Naruto darkly. Ichigo grabbed Naruto forcing him to let go of his hold on Sasuke.

"Calm down Naruto. No matter how much you would like to show him his place, we still need to work together for this mission." Ichigo stated firmly. Naruto stormed outside of the house without saying another word.

"He can't treat my Sasuke like that!" screeched out Sakura. Ichigo glared at Sakura as his eyes began to take on the appearance of Shiro's eyes.

"Any you can do something besides fawning over the Uchiha. You are just useless as a ninja." growled Ichigo.

"Ichigo.... That's enough!" stated Yamato.

"Sorry captain but I was only speaking the truth." replied Ichigo as he turned leaving the room.

Ichigo went outside finding Naruto sitting on the edge of the boat platform.

"Naruto are you all right?" asked Ichigo as he went over to sit next to his adoptive brother. By now Naruto had calmed down.

"Yeah..... Sorry I didn't mean to act like that." replied Naruto. Ichigo sat down next to his adoptive brother.

"That's all right, I faired no better when it came to Sakura." stated Ichigo as he explained what had happened.

"I can't believe that you had said that." Naruto stated with a slight smile on his face. Ichigo was about to ask Naruto why he and Kyuubi got angry at Sasuke but he didn't when he could sense that they weren't alone."Um.... Excuse me. Would it be alright if I join you?" asked Sai softly. Both boys moved over to allow Sai to join them. "So how do you two know each other so well?"

"You could say that we are kind of brothers even though we aren't blood related." replied Ichigo and Naruto in unison. A soft smile stretched across Sai's face as it almost seemed forced.

"I had a brother once as he wasn't blood related. We kind of grew up together. I miss him greatly. Maybe if I hang around you two, I can rekindle the feelings that I used to have. May I ask why you two exploded at Sasuke and Sakura the way that you did?" asked Sai.

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