The Protector

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Just to put it out there I had a word limit on this so it's good if you want something quick to read . c:


It was a hot day in hell today. Yes, it's not the way most stories start but it's true, today has been one of the hottest days in hell since I have gotten myself stuck down here. My parents are demon hunters and are paid by the FBI. My parents say I must join the High Council that stops evil vampires and fallen angels. Anyway let's get to introductions, my name is Taylor Covralli but my friends call me Or. I am 17 years old and in 1 year I will come of age (can't wait!). I have long black hair, down to my waist, bright blue eyes and, don't laugh, a birth mark in a shape of angel wings on my shoulder blade. My parents look more like my older siblings and the reason they look so young?They are vampires just like me! I go to school with other vampires at the Castle of night, we learn normal stuff and vampire stuff. My school is literally a castle and we all have our own rooms, I share my room with the best person in the world, Alice Green, who was marked the same time I was and we have gone through everything together.

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Since I was 16, a year after I got marked, my school has been paying for my trips to Rome to visit the High Council as my parents have already told the Council and my school of my gifts, the Council seem very interested which I better explain to you. I have the gift of the elements which means I can summon earth, fire, water, air and spirit to my side and do really good things with them. With earth I have control any earth-like things, like plants and rocks, I can do anything with them. With fire I can manipulate any fire anywhere and I can start fires. With water I can control any water and manipulate it like fire. And finally with spirit I can make people feel better or whatever I want and feel what other people are feeling. Most people with a gift have control over 1 element but not me I got all 4. I also have visions which, by the way, I have no control over, I don't choose who they are about, when they will happen or why they happen. When I have a vision I become a statue for roughly 30 minutes, until the vision is over, the vision is usually a warning about death or about the evil vampires and fallen angels so no upcoming shoe sales or winning lotto tickets for me!

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Alright, now with all that out of the way I can start complaining. I stood in front of the High Council after they, and the castle they are in were blown to bits by Cleopatra and her army of fallen angels. Four of the six vampire and angels High Council lie on the bloody castle floor and the other two have taken flight and are killing as many of the fallen angels as they can with their elements and their ancient, powerful, swords and daggers!

I now stand between the Council members on the ground and Cleopatra. As Cleopatra started walking towards me with a painfully evil smirk on her beautiful face I heard a fluttering of feathered wings behind me and turned around to see my twin sister, Phoenix, staring back at me. "Wipe that smirk off your face and get ready to have your evil arse kicked by an angel", said my red-headed twin sister, yes my twin is a beautiful angle. Cleopatra slowly advanced laughing to herself, "You think that one angel and one vampire can bring down me! HA!" Then the fighting commenced. Cleopatra was fast I would give her that but I was younger, she had control of the element fire but I could control all four elements! Just as Phoenix got on top of Cleopatra, Lenobia and Erce, the two High Council angels, were underneath the fallen angles. Cleopatra threw Phoenix off her and jumped up, "See what happens when people side against me that will too be your fate." Phoenix gave me a look and I replied, "GO!" Phoenix was off to help Lenobia, Erce and hold back the fallen angels, leaving me with Cleopatra. We clashed elements, ancient weapons and words. I heard Phoenix scream and as I turned around Cleopatra pinned me to the ground, as she was about to drive her dagger though my heart I was transported to a Palace in Hell, were servants and cooks fill my every need. I never age, just as time has stopped for me and I can't leave. I will never be happy until I found what happened to Alice, Phoenix, Mom, Dad, the fallen angles and Cleopatra.

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