Chapter 8

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Ross' POV:

After thinking of what to do for Laura, I finally had the perfect plan to get Laura to go out with me:) Even though Riker said Laura would love whatever I did for her, I wanted to make it special, because Laura is special:) Since Laura told me that she and Raini were going to hang out tomorrow afternoon till like 4pm, this makes it the perfect time to execute my plan since then her parents and sister wont be home. Yes! I can't wait for tomorrow!! It's like past midnight now I gotta go sleep, there's gonna be alot of preparation needed tomorrow!!

Riker's POV: (AN: If your a kellington shipper, you might wanna skip this part:/ I ship both so please dont hate!!)

I was gonna look for Rydel but Ratliff came to me and told me that he needed some advice.. Why is everyone looking for me for help today?

Riker: Okay whats up Ratliff?

Ratliff: Okay, erm... I'm thinking of breaking up with Kelly..

Riker: What??!! Why?

Ratliff: Because I've realised my feelings for someone else and I think its a little unfair to Kelly if I keep having a relationship with her even though I like someone else..

Riker: Okay, I understand. But who do you like?

Ratliff: Promise you wont cause me any form of physical, mental or emotional harm if I told you?

Riker: Why would I hurt you? You're like my brother:) But okay I promise:)

Ratliff: Okay.. I've fallen for Rydel

Riker: WHAT???!!!

Ratliff: I'm sorry! Please dont hurt me!

Riker: I wont hurt you.. If you promise you wont hurt Rydel too.

Ratliff: I promise:) So you think I should break up with Kelly and get together with Rydel?

Riker: I guess.. It is kinda unfair for you to be with Kelly yet you like my baby sister.. I think it makes you a jerk:P no offense bro:P

Ratliff: ... None taken:) Okay so I'm gonna ask Kelly to go for lunch or something tmr then break up with her.. Its kinda mean to break up with her over text message or phone call..

Riker: Yeap good luck I guess:) Treat my sister well.. Or else.

Ratliff: *Gulps* Or else?

Riker: Oh I dont know.. you may go to sleep one night, and never see the next sunrise..

Ratliff: Actually I've never seen an actual sunrise.. I always wake up after the sunriseXP

Riker: You know what I mean...

Ratliff: Got it, Sir!

Riker: Haha now go to bed, its like 1 in the morning now..

Ratliff: Well I'm just gonna crash in the guest bedroom anyways:P

Riker: Haha fine I guess I'll see you in the morning then, night!

Ratliff: Night. Riker:) Thanks for the talk:)

Riker: No prob:)

I decided to go check on Rydel. If she wasnt sleeping I would talk to her about her secret but when I went to her room, I saw her sleeping peacefully:) Should've guessed:P I walked to her bed, pulled her blankets over her, kissed her forehead and left her room. When we were younger, I always had to put Rydel to sleep. I guessed I have always been protective over Rydel and I always will be.. She's my only sister and I cant bear the thought of some dumb guy breaking her heart but Ratliff wont break her heart... I hope.

 AN: Anyone wanna guessed whats Ross' plan? Its something really romantic:P or cliche..:D Follow @rauraausllygators on instagram!!:D

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