The One Who Got Away

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Hey whoever is deciding to read this story. Well this is my first story ever posted on this website and I am extremely excited but also nervous at the same time. I have never posted my own writing for other people to see and hopefully I can handle it. We will just have to see how this plays out.

Anyway, here is the first chapter. Now before anyone says anything, this first chapter may have some resemblance to things such as historical events, movies, etc. (I have gotten Anastasia, which is apparently a Disney movie) but I can promise you, the actual plot of the story has no resemblance whatsoever. This is the plot that I envisioned so hopefully you can bear with me this first chapter.

Thanks and Happy Reading! 

Also, a quick note: My spacing may be a bit off, as well as my spelling, but hey, everyone makes mistakes :)


Chapter 1 (3rd person POV)

Queen Lydia threw herself around the corner, pushing her already exhausted body to keep running. Hastily maneuvering herself down hallway after hallway, she could hear the mens’ voices nearing closer, but tried to ignore them as off in the distance, she could see her only chance to escape. Just as she reached the door, a large pair of arms wrapped around her, dragging her away from all hope she had. Her screams and punches had little effect as the man continued walking at a brisk pace, until arriving at a large wooden door. Upon entering the room, Lydia was flung to the ground and landed in an exhausted heap alongside her two sobbing children, Paul and Lily, and her husband. As realization of their possible fate hit her, Lydia began comforting her children, wiping away tears and keeping them close by her side, despite the millions of thoughts running through her head.

Her rambling thoughts were interrupted at the door opened once again to reveal two men, both clad in black.“Look at this picture. A reunited family, minutes away from being torn apart. It truly breaks my heart,” the first man stated with a smirk on his face. “ Are you sure this is all of them Henry?” he continued to ask the second man.

Henry gave a small nod, avoiding all eye contact as he kept his gaze down at his feet. “Yes James, All the men have searched the house and we are positive this is all of them. Aside from them were the servants, who were all taken care of,” he stated, not bothering to glance up once.

It was the King who spoke up next. “Gentlemen please, wherever these actions are coming from, please take them out on myself, and myself alone. My wife and children have had nothing to do with my ruling and do not deserve to suffer. Do what you want with me, but I am begging you, please spare my family,” he pleaded.

James gave a small chuckle. “My dear King, we have no problem with you or your family. If it makes you feel any better, we have come to enjoy the way you’ve ruled this country. You have kept us at peace and prosperous, something our last ruler was unable to do.”

“Then why are you doing this to me and my family? If you kill us, you are destroying the lives of the people as well,” the King angrily questioned.   

James glanced around the room and gave a small, frustrated sigh, “ I am under orders your Highness. My personal feelings play no part in this situation. This must be done.” With that, he gave a small nod to the cluster of men circling around the room before exiting through the doors, not daring to look back at what was about to happen.


Jamie’s POV

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