Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Fred's POV

An annoying voice came out from behind me, and I saw a girl with long fake blond hair, and huge boobs. The girl was wereing her beautatons uniform differently then the others. This one look a few sizes too small, making it tight in the chest area, and really quiet short. Slut, was the first word in my head. I nearly laughed aloud. 

"Kassie-La!!" The girl called out, and Kassie had a look of total disgust on her face.

"Annie. Stop calling me that. It's retarded." Then under her breath, "Like you"

I chuckled quietly. The girl- Annie- turned towards me, as if she just noticed me. 

"Hello" she 'purred'. Disgusting, if you ask me, and I'm a 16 year old hormonal guy. "What's your name?" placing her hand on my chest, and pressed herself to me. I sent Kasidy a distressed look. 

Kassie pulled Annie off me, with a slight look of jealousy in her eyes. I think that's a good thing... 

"Listen here, bitch," Kassie hissed, "Stay the fuck away from Fred, me and any of my other friends. Your starting to piss me off. Got it, bitch?"

Annie glared, even though Kassie was towering over her... Damn, this Annie girl most be short if Kassie towers over her well she's in, like, 5 inch heels. "Stay out of my way, Kassandra, I'm not someone you want to mess with."

"More like the other way around, Black." Kassie snorted, "Now leave before I screw up your face some more." Annie huffed, but walked away. "God I hate that bitch. Applewood."

The portrait swong open, and the two of us walked in, "She is annoying." I said, taking a seat on the couch in frount of the fire.Kassie ploped down beside me, pulling out her books, and placing them on the table, she said, "Annoying? She's more then that... She's... I can't even find the words to discribe her."

Laughing, I slung my arm around her shoulder, "I'm sure she won't bother us, Kassie."

Kassie smiled and leaned against me. "Your right. PLus, if she does, I can kick her ass."

I smiled, and moved her charms book in between us. "I forgot to pay attention in class, what did we do?"

Kassie rolled her eyes, and began to explain the lesson to me. I had acutally been paying attention in class, I just wanted to listen to her voice, even though that sounds really stalkerish. Whatever. She won't know.  "Got it?" She asked.

"Sorta." I said, "Can you help me with the homework?"

"Sure" she chirped, for 3 hours we spent doing homework, and chatting. It was now about 10 PM, and she had her head on my shoulder, and we stared at the fire together. "You know, if someone said that I would be here, right now, at the the end of 5th year, I woulld have laughed and said they were crazy... But, it's nice, having another friend then Lexi..." She then added, "Not that I don't like her, just that I need a break from the girl every once and awhile, ya know?" 

"Yeah," I say, "Just like I'm glad I have you as a friend this year, I need a break from the idiot once and awhile too." 

Laughing Kassie replied, "Agreed. Who do you think's gonna be the Hogwarts champion for the turnoment?"

"Dunno." I said, "Angilena entered, but I don't think she'll get it. Um.... Digery entered... Maybe him?"

"ugh" Kassie said, looking up at me. "I hate Digery. He's annoying and should leave."

You Joke, I Kill. {A Fred Weasley Love Story} (SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now