Chapter 25

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• Carter •

"Miss Gray!" The assistant principal, Mrs.Rodriguez, waves me over. "Get into place! Your name's soon to be called!"

She turns to look at Cale, a frown on her forty-year-old face. All she does is sternly motion for him to get in line. Cale chuckles and takes his place, two people up from me.

I try to look past the graduates to where some dark-haired girl was shyly walking across stage to get her diploma. I wasn't able to see the front row of seats where I knew Aunt Marci was sitting...and probably Justin as well.

I was anxious to see him.

"Melanie Dominquiez." The school's principal, Mrs.Reyes' voice echoes throughout the auditorium. "Congratulations..."

Cale turns to look at me, winking. He was next. I gave him a thumbs up as his name was called.

"Cale Ellison..."

• Justin •

I kept shifting in my seat feeling uncomfortable and out of place. I wasn't even paying attention to whose name was being called. All I could do was stare at the roses on my lap and wonder of they even meant anything anymore...

I just couldn't stop thinking about how Carter's possibly cheating on me. She just can't be... No. Not Carter. Not the love of my life. No way.

"Carter Gray..."

My head snapped up the minute her name was called.

I somehow hesitated, a part of me wanting to see her while the other part just wanted to leave.

The second part of me must have won because I stood up and made a dash out of the auditorium, Aunt Marci calling after me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and leaned against the front doors while outside, the roses clutched to my chest.

"So stupid..." I mutter to myself. "Stupid..."

• Carter •

"Carter Gray..."

My ears shoot up and I see Cale give me two thumbs up. I take a deep breath and begin to make my away across the stage and towards the well-known principal. I quickly turn to scan the crowd, my eyes instantly falling on a very proud-looking Aunt Marci. I flash her smile...

But the smile quickly disappears the minute I see the empty sear beside her. I assumed Justin would be sitting there but...

Where was he?

I tried to scan the rest of the auditorium but I didn't have time as I approached Mrs.Reyes.

"Congratulations." She smiles, handing me a diploma.

"Thank you." I thank her, forcing a smile back before sauntering off the stage.

"We made it!" Cale takes me off guard by throwing his arms around me once I exited the stage, almost knocking me over.

"Yeah," I mutter. "We made it..."

"You ok?" Cale pulls away, throwing me a puzzled look.

"I didn't see him." I mumble. "He wasn't there."

Cale frowns. "Yeah, he was. I saw him. He was sitting by your Aunt."

I shake my head. "He wasn't there when I walled across."

"Maybe he had to go pee." Cale teases, nudging me assuringly.

I try to hide my chuckle as I nudge him back. "Don't joke."

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