Chapter 74 - Mae Day

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, there has been a slight change of running order. We would like to introduce you to the other Grayson family members first," a counsel member announced as I felt myself coming around.

"You need to drink some more," Sebastian said nodding to the cup in my hand.

"How did I get here?" I said looking around the table at Bowdie and Carla.

"You walked, you have been recharging so not fully with it," he said and nodded to the cup.

I raised the cup and took a sip. Yummy, it was my favourite Seb's homebrew. What a cup of it was doing here was beyond me but I was happy to drink it. It had a way of rejuvenating me and making my veins feel like fire was licking them in a very comforting way.

"Sorry I was late back, I had to catch my dinner first and it's been kicking ever since," he said making my stomach turn as he rubbed his. "The wife put a little something special in that for you. Just to help with the onslaught of emotions. I know Uncle gave you something but we need you on point not having to keep batting back emotional curve balls every few minutes. You should be able to turn people off like a remote control in a moment or two if they get too heavy. In the meantime this should make you smile."

Bowdie handed me his phone. There on the screen was a picture of me and Lee's lion. I was stood beside it with my hand on its mane!

"You whammied me!" I said looking at Sebastian in shock.

"You love his lion. Show her the video," he said.

I gasped and leant forward to watch. There I was totally out of it with Sebastian holding my hand on the lions mane and stroking. He was reassuring me all the way whilst dragging my hand over Lee's mane like a kid at a petting zoo. He let go of my hand and I carried on, I even sunk my fingers into the fur like I had with Glenn and gave him a fuss. I laughed out loud when I saw Lee's lion lift its chin for a scratch and I actually did it. I scratched my husbands chin... well lion chin. I was so impressed with myself and wished I actually remembered it, no doubt in time I would.

"This is the best bit!" Sebastian said leaning over.

I kissed him... I kissed the lion. Right on its lion face... OMG! I was totally off my face to do that! What had he done to me?

"Ahhh haaaa," I said as Lee's lion licked my hand a few times like a dog would.

"See you are friends now," Sebastian said proudly.

"Did you spell him too?"

"No, I can't spell the lion. I can tell him off and kick him from here to Neptune but fix him marriage problems... no that is all your doing. You relaxed him, using your powers. I don't know why you were afraid to do that in the first place, it is not trickery it is helping him chill out a bit."

"I can't believe he didn't eat me!" I said pressing it to replay.

"Oooo here we go," he nodded to the front of the altar. Lee's grandfather walked out and took to the podium. Clearing his throat he began to speak.

"Firstly I would like to welcome you all to this event and thank Uncle for hosting it. He is very fond of our newest family member and the feeling is mutual," he said motioning over to me. "As many of you will know my grandson Lee married Mae last year after falling in love with her during a very traumatic time in our family. They say loss either pulls people apart or throws them together. In this case it was the later. This love story begins where Lee's brother Glenn met and married a wonderful human named April."

The screen behind him changed to a picture of my sister and Glenn. The same one that was in Lee's mother house.

"Glenn was always a little boisterous but never one to shy away from his responsibilities," the screen changed to one of Glenn and Lee as children... oh god they were so cute. "When he asked for time off from his guardianship to study we agreed but he was not keen to leave his brother who had suffered his own tragedy which we are all too aware of."

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