Black Love

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So don't hate me but this isn't an update really.

What you just read and I hope you enjoyed is Black Luna. Techniquelly if I was to publish and hopefully one day I will that would be the end of that book. Please tell me if you think I should add more to that ending. 

The next book is called Black Love. 

Mac is learning what she really wants in life and what is important to her. She takes some twist and turns but because of close family and friends she learns how deal with them. They finally figure out why the necklace is so important and it is because of Gage. She has a new vilian after her, yet again he isn't the one really in charge but she is a lot closer to finding out who really is. The pack is growing and changing, and Ethan starts to spill a few of his secerts telling us why he really doesn't like Gage and was a rogue before he got here.

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