A collection of short scary stories

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ok guys so here is a collection of some scary stories some are true some i made up but i hpe you like thme please vote rate comment and fan thanks :)


The Clown 

A young girl was making her way down laurel grove, she was on her way to do her very first babysitting job.

Her fathers boss wanted her to babysit for his young baby and she gladly said yesbecause she needed the money.

she turned down the street and walked to number 52, as she turned into the garden she noticed a twitch in the blinds in the upstairs window, asuming it was the childs father she walked up to door.

The garden was messy and overgrown but there was one small red balloon tied to the fence.

The girl knocked the door three times, a mall woman answered and welcomed the girl in, the woman showed the girl around the house and showed her the babies room.

Without much talk the two adults left leaving the girl alone she turned on the TV and saton the large red comfy sofa.

She heard the baby cry from upstairs and went to check on him, she walked into the babies small room and went over to the cot she noticed that the baby had managed to remove his nigh socks she thought this was strange as he was such a young baby, she fixed the babies socks and wen back to watching Tv

Not long later she heard the baby cry again so she went back upstairs walked over to the cot and saw that the baby had managed to take all of its clothes off apart from its nappy.

The clothes were strewn across the floor and as she lifted the baby out she found that somebody had cut a large slash in his back ust then the phone rang.

She took the baby and carried him downstairs with her to answer the phone .


"hi stacy its martha, we were just calling to check in. How is the baby?"

"oh erm hes not to good actually i think somethings wrong, i went up to check on him and i found him with a large slash down his back"

"What ??? i cant believe this, stacy are you ok is here anything strange in the house ?"

"erm well there is that really creepy six foot clown in the babies room but thats just a model right ?"

" ................. S.S.S.Stacy we dont have a six foot clown in the babies room."

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