The Alpha's Mate...?

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(This is like the introduction to a story, so it wont be that long lol this is just to give u some background knowledge and etc. ) 


Ethan's POV:

"Hey, man when are you going to find your mate. I mean you're 25, and you're not getting any yonger if ya know what I mean". Rodger said leaning his bony ass over me slurring in my ear. 

I punched him in the throat and the room up roared in laughter. 

I let out a chuckle myself and stood up. 

Beers were passed around the room, and laughter echoed off the walls from these fools I call my pack. 

I face palmed myself then went outside for some fresh air. I closed my eyes for a moment, my senses heightening.

I saw and heard everything miles and miles away. I shut off my senses and just let the cool night air whip my face. 

I thought about what my best friend, my Beta Rodger had said. He was right. I'm not going to me this age forever.

I needed to find me a mate that I could grow old with. Isn't every alpha supposed to have one anyways?

There must me something wrong with me. 

Countless times I have dreamed about when I would find her. 

I covered my eyes with my hands as silent tears began to flow down my face and my shoulders began to shook.

Pull yourself together before the rest of your pack sees you. I quickly reminded myself. 

Where was she? Where was my mate? 


Boom Shaka Lacka !! 

I hope this is only one page. I tried to make it really short. Chapter One Will Be Posted Tomorrow ^.^ .

I've already wrote it but it's being posted tomorrow. Check out my other stories, Her Name Was Macie and I'm a Boy Who Likes a Boy, I hope u like em, Tell others ^.^ . Ok thank you all you beautiful people ^.^ 

Au Revoiur

XX Victoria XX :)

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