Starr's Story

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"Starr's Story"

Copyright © 2012 by Catherine Rose Maree

All Rights Reserved.


Starr has been captured by hunters and given over to scientists to be experimented on. But things go terribly wrong...


"The thrill of the kill

You feel is a sin

I lay with the wolves

Alone, it seems,

I thought I was part of you"

David Guetta, She Wolf


I ran through the woods, chasing after my prey. The stupid deer was near the river just when I arrived to get a drink.  

I had gotten my drink quietly to build up my energy, just waiting to pounce. 

I was just about to jump when my brother came bounding up behind me too quickly and he moved some rocks and the deer heard it and smelt the air quickly and ran. It had smelt me. I growled at Ash and I began the chase after the deer. 

I ran as fast as I could, but even that isn't enough to catch up with a deer. 

I lost my energy pretty quickly and the deer got ahead. But I wasn't about to give up. 

I waited silently for a while and then I made my way forward as silently as I could. It helped that it had rained last night and it had made the fallen leaves become soft and damp. 

I saw the deer ahead of me in a clearing. 

I took another step forward and I realised it had joined up with the rest of the herd. It was only a fawn. I saw the adults gently grazing on the grass. 

I looked around and searched for the largest deer there. 

The male leader of the herd was the largest there. But I had seen bigger before so this should be easy. 

I got as close as I could to the male with out being noticed at all. 

Then I bunched up the muscles in my legs, getting ready to pounce. 

I jumped, teeth bared and claws getting ready to dig into the flesh of the deer. 

I landed on the male's back and sunk my teeth into his neck and claws firmly attached to his back. 

It screamed and fell to the ground, struggling to get out of my grip. I wasn't going to let go any time soon.  

The herd had fled, leaving their leader behind to die. 

The deer had stopped moving. I think it is dead. But just to be sure, I snapped the neck cleanly in two. 

I howled into silent air to let my family know I had food. We hadn't eaten this well in weeks. They would be proud of me for getting them food. 

I heard a howl come from the north. Our home. They would be coming soon. I decided I could eat some in victory of the kill. 

I was eating deer quietly, when I heard a snap of a twig breaking underneath a foot of some sort coming from the east. Whether it was a soft padded paw or a hard hoof, I had no idea. My ears pricked up and I turned to face the intruder, ready to fight for my kill. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2014 ⏰

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