Longest Hour Ever

150 6 4

Katie's POV

"Madam," a boy...

Dylan. Her voice echoed in my head angrily.

Right Dylan... said and bowed his head. "What are you doing here?"

Does he know? It has to be the eyes. Your eyes, he's seeing.

Your fine. Stay calm and come to the car. Play stupid if you must.

"Wow you really think I'm Royalty. That's so funny." I laugh and start to back away keeping my eyes on him and the other guy. Just as I remembered there was a third guy, I bump into someone. I close my eyes as a shiver runs through my spine. When I opened them, I see images flash before my eyes. But they aren't of me and for some reason I get upset that it isn't me with this man.

No! Her voice is almost hesitant, maybe a little sad, but still angry.

When the guy behind me growled and wrapped his arms around me, I shivered again and close my eyes.

Mate. I heard a different voice in my head now, causing me to open my eyes.

As I slowly come to my senses, I realize that Dylan and his friend are staring at the two of us worried.

The two boys exchange a look before turning back to us.

"Katie..." Her demanding voice barely whispered through the air, but I knew she meant business. As the boys turn towards the car, I suddenly return to my normal peppy self and step away from the boy standing behind me.

They continue to stare in confusion, as she climbs out of the car.

"It's time for class." She says as the bell rings. Somehow I just know that she made a "bell" go off so she could save me... Again. She doesn't need to say anything as she walks towards the school. The least I can do is follow her. I quickly make it to her side and grab her hand, like a small child would her parent. In a way I guess she is my parent.

"Sera? Can I ask you something?"

She glances at me before sighing. "Yes Kitty you can."

I sigh in relief. I know she can't be too mad at me since she called me Kitty. "Those things I was feeling. Those were your feelings weren't they."

She sighed again but hesitated before speaking again. "Yes they were. When I made you. I tried to make sure you would be as human as possible. Unfortunately when I gave you emotions, you took some of my feelings with you. It'll fade with time. The older you get, the less you'll need me." She frowned.

I squeezed her hand. "I won't ever leave you Ser-bear." I smiled at her. "I promise you that. You are basically my mom."

She gave me a half smile. "You only feel this way right now because we are basically the same person. So your bound to feel attached to me."

I frowned. "Let's not worry about that right now. How about we go get our class schedule?"

That got her smiling. "Already got them. You might get bored easily here. I've taught you everything I know already. So you are already as smart as me if not smarter." She winked at me. "Come on. We can go get our books out of our lockers."

I smiled back at her feeling both of our excitement bubble up inside me. I don't know how long it's been since I've been to an actual school but I know it has been a while for Sera.

Sera is actually a really nice girl, once she gets to know you. She just had major trust issues. Something had happened to her 8 years ago and it changed her. She ended up making me 4 years after that. So while my body and mind was about 18, I wasn't actually any older than 4. It was confusing at times. I knew how to do things but couldn't understand why or how they were done.

Sometimes I would be doing something and then my 4 year old side would kick in. Luckily, Sera would sit and talk me through everything again. She was very understanding and I just knew that she would make a great mother one day.

Being that this was the first school I had ever actually attended I was really excited. As I was digging in my locker a thought crossed my mind.

Hey Sera?

Yes Kitty?

I heard another voice in my head earlier...

When she didn't say anything I quickly grabbed my book and turned towards her. She still hadn't moved from her locker and her back had grown stiff. I opened my mouth to talk as I heard her voice reply in my head.

What did it say?

Not much... Just the word 'mate'. What does that even mean?

This time when she didn't answer I let her take her time. I put my books in my backpack and walked over to her locker.

I stood beside her as she put her books in her backpack, closed her locker, and locked both of our doors.

We started walking before she talked again. "Just be careful..."

I went to ask her what she meant but never got a word out.

"Here is your classroom. My class is in a room down the hall and around the corner. Try to avoid the boy if possible. Call me if you need me." With that she was gone, leaving me staring at her retreating back.

I sighed. "I must have made her upset." I barely whispered as I turned back to the door. "How could I do that to her? She has never hurt me before. Why am I so stupid sometimes?"

I heard a chuckle behind me, "Do you always talk to doors?"

"Ha! You wish I did. What do I look like to you?" I turned with a silly face on but it quickly dropped as I realized who it was standing behind me. I quickly turned back to the door and opened it.

"What? What did I say?"


"She told you to stay away from me didn't she?"

I hesitated for a split second and continued towards a seat beside one of the guys I had met earlier and ignored him.


I fought myself to keep looking out the window and not at the only guy I had been told to stay away from. This may be the longest hour I have ever experienced. I sighed as the teacher walked into the room indicating it was time for class to start. I quickly pulled out my books and opened them to the page the teacher told us to.

Now I just need to keep my eyes on my homework and not on... Him. I sighed as my eyes traveled in his direction just thinking about him only to find him looking at me already. I quickly snapped my eyes back to the board. Yep. This is definitely going to be the longest hour ever.




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