Chapter 3

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   I remember waking up to the sun shining through my window. I blinked a couple dozen times, remembering... well trying to remember the events of the earlier hours. I noticed that the note that Alex had written to Sam, lying on the floor of my room, a few feet away from the open window. I got up off of my bed, and I picked up the sheet. I read it over again, letting her words sink in, I also thought about last night. So everything that happened, every thought, every memory once again came back into my head. Everything was running through my head once again, and most of it made since, most of it. I read the note again, and realized how I could get Alex's last words to be heard by her baby sister. But the hard part was getting Sam to listen... hmm, I thought for a little while longer, and then realized that it was Friday, and I had to get ready to go to my father's house, and he was coming to get me at six o'clock sharp.

"I hate weekends," I muttered "or at least ones that I have to spend with my father." Mom and Dad got divorced when I was seven years old; they went to court to decide custody of myself and my brother and sister. My father has custody of me, every other weekend during the school year and then for a month during my summer holiday. I hate spending time with him and his new wife, Cassie. If you ask me, Cassie reminds me of those evil step-mothers' in the Disney movies. I hate her and her snobby children, Amanda and Xavier. They are just so stuck up and they think that the world revolves around them. I looked at the clock, 12:30, I was disappointed. My father's chauffeur was going to be here in less than six hours, to take me away to prison.

"Great." I thought to myself, I hated my father for what he did to my mother, but I still had to live with him, and deal with him for another six years, until I turned eighteen then I can and will be able to say "NO" to my father. I walked to my closet, and stepped inside, shutting myself in. I turned the lights on, and walked around, finding exactly what I wanted. A pair of almost white bleached jeans, a black Aero Smith t-shirt, and a worn pair of converses, I threw my choice of clothes on, and looked in the full length mirror quickly. I walked out of my closet and right to the window. It was conveniently still open from last night, so I snuck out of the window and had climbed to the top of the house again. I had to figure some things out, and think about Sam. Her funeral was in less than three days, and I was no closer to the end of the eulogy than I was last night.

I had been sitting up there for a while, at least an hour of pure thinking. I saw a Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano 1 had begun to ascend up the driveway. Without a doubt, I could tell that it was Connor and Skylare coming home for their month long summer holiday. The Ferrari was Connor’s sixteenth birthday present from dad, Skylare has an almost equally expensive car, and I am destined to get one when I turn sixteen. One of the sides of my father, particularly one that I sometimes care for, him being a multi-trillionaire and trying to get back into our hearts by spoiling myself and my siblings. Sometimes when he just stayed away, I was perfectly content.  He is family; my mom has tried to get me to open up to a therapist, after, well after the incident. I was at my father’s house for a month when I was about nine, and I snuck out onto the roof. I lost my footing and I fell, I hit the ground hard. Well you would too, if you fell off of a building four stories up. My parents sued each other, and thankfully my mother won, resulting in my time with my father being reduced to every other weekend during the school year and then for one month during the summer, instead of every other month. I was in the hospital for three months, waking up from coma, rehab, and listening to my father’s constant apologies, and my mother’s constant ranting and raving about my father. She kept saying that I was never going back to his house as long as she was alive.

“Mommy,” I remembered calling, “mommy I don’t want to go back to daddy’s house.” She smiled, “Don’t worry, baby. I will make sure that you won’t be at daddy’s house for very long. But you still do have to go to his house, but it won’t be for long.” I nodded and fell back to sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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