Chapter 1 The Beginning

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All character rights go to J.K. Rowling; I just really like writing fanfics!

Chapter 1:

                It was Halloween night when Voldemort came. It had been a happy day, my parents, brother and I enjoying the night.

I remember my dad’s scared voice shouting, “He’s here Lily! Grab the kids and run! I’ll hold him off as long as I can!” My mother had frozen, then hurriedly grabbed me and pulled me upstairs. A flash of green light and my father fell. My mother screamed as he came after her. She hid me, and then went to Harry, who was sitting up in his crib, crying.  “Move you silly girl,” the man said, “or I’ll kill you before the boy!”

                “Please!” My mother had shouted. “Not Harry, please!” I watched from my hiding place, frozen with terror, as another flash of green appeared and my mother fell. I stifled a sob.

                Harry started crying louder than ever. The man laughed. “This young child, supposed to defeat me?” He laughed again. Another flash of green light, and the man screamed a blood curdling scream, and seemed to dissipate.

                After a few minutes, making sure he was gone, I ran to my crying brother, picked him up out of his crib, and hid him in the closet with me.

                It seemed like a lifetime had passed before I heard another voice. There were 3 people, a very elderly looking man, a prim looking lady, and a gigantic man.

                The women gasped when she saw my father. She looked to the elderly man. “Albus,” she whispered, “James…” The woman sobbed. The gigantic man sobbed as well.

                I was too terrified to make a noise. They headed up the stairs, where they found my mother, laying in front of the crib. “Lily,” the large man sobbed.

                The woman looked up at the man named Albus. “Where are the children Albus? Surely he didn’t take them…”

                “Minerva,” Albus turned slowly and looked right at me. I knew then that my hiding space had been discovered.

“Come here child. We aren’t going to hurt you. We’re here to help,” Albus said, still looking at me. I believed him. I held my brother tightly pushed open the door. The lady gasped, as did the other man. I didn’t understand why until I looked at Harry in the light.

                There was a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, from where the man had struck him with the light.

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