Chapter 8 - Hidden Lies

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"Cam?" I asked. She probably thought I was talking to myself, because she didn't reply. Did Cam ask to see me? What happened to him? Why did he want me? A hundred questions splatted my mind.

We walked inside a small room with a bed and two little chairs beside it. Cam was lying on the bed with an ice pack on his head. "Abby?" he asked when he saw me.

"Yeah, it's me," I nodded.

"Why is she here?" he turned to the staff beside me. So he didn't ask to see me. Jerk.

"Some students were saying that you two are best friends and I was thinking you might needed her," she replied. She pushed me to sit on the chair. "I will go."

"Wait I-" she cut him off by shutting the door.

"What happened?" I turned him when she left.

"Nothing," he replied.

"Cam, you are in the nurse's office. You never step foot in here once. Not even when I passed out when the best soccer player in our school kicked the ball to my face! You were too scared to ever come, so why are you here now?" I scooted the chair next to him.

"It wasn't by choice," he sat up.

"You fainted, I know, but how? What happened before you passed out?" I looked at him.

"It's complicated. I think you should go back to class," he waved me away.

"Cam, I love you," he widen his eyes. "But sometimes I just want to rip your head off. What happened?!" I lightly punched his shoulder.

He frowned, "Look Abby, I promise you nothing is going on. I just passed out probably because the heat. I mean there was a fire," he shrugged.

"Cam, it's November and the fire was pulled by a student," I looked up at him. "I know you are lying," I said looking straight into his guilty eyes.

"Who pulled it?" he asked changing the subject.

"How should I know?" I rolled my eyes.

"You're lying," he frowned.

"You are too, so tell me the truth then I will tell you."

"That backfired. Anyway, I just have a lot going on," he held an act.

"And you think Kacey can help you through? We are best friends, the entire school know and you can't push a best friend away even when it hurts the most," I got up on the bed sitting besides him.

"You want to know the truth?" he smiled at me.

"Kill me with it," I agreed.

"I passed out, because I was too hungry. I haven't been eating lately, because.." he paused. I did some hand motions for him to continue. "Because I'm sick." I raised my hand to feel his forehead if it was hot.

"You are burning," I gasped.


"But that doesn't make any sense on why you would avoid us."

"I didn't want you guys to worry too much about me," he said like it was that easy.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I was more worried when you were with Kacey and not with us. Sure, I would worry, because you are sick, but I won't be your mom and overreact!" I gently slapped his shoulders.

"I will have bruises tomorrow," he pushed me.

"That was only a small slap, weak."

"Ok, so I told the truth now it's your turn. WHo pulled the fire alarm?"

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