The Mysterious Man

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As Serena slowly opened her eyes and stretched out against the sand the next morning, she winced and let a small groan escape her mouth.  Slowly sitting up she realized her body felt sluggish.  Even more so than yesterday.  She moved her heavy tail to propel herself away from the warm sand she had nestled herself into.

She glanced around and noticed people were gathered around her tank.  The aquarium was already open?  She glanced towards the top of her enclosure and noticed the sun had climbed high in the clouds.  She'd slept for a long time.  She turned herself around and instantly noticed Serah standing at the tank with her hands pressed against the glass.  Standing right behind her, meeting Serena's eyes with his own, was Kyle.  His jaw was set in a hard line and his expression was hard to read.  Serena looked away quickly and swam in the opposite direction, pushing down the jealousy that had erupted in her chest.  

What she saw next alarmed her.

The owner of the aquarium stood beside her display with a tall man in a black suit and tie.  The owner was nodding and gesturing towards Serena while the mysterious man peered at her with an eyebrow raised.  His eyes were haunting, nearly black to match his hair.  Serena shivered as he turned to the owner and gave him a firm hand shake.  The man pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to the owner.  The owner unfolded it, briefly glanced over it, and nodded his head slowly.  

Out of the corner of her eye, Serena saw Kyle and Serah running over to the man.  Serah's arms were flailing with a look of fear on her face and she motioned wildly towards the owner.  The owner looked flustered and turned a few shades of red before turning and saying a few words to Kyle.  Kyle's jaw was clenched and there was anger in his eyes but he nodded and wrapped his arms around Serah's shoulders before turning her in the opposite direction and leading her away from the two men.  She threw her head back and said a few words before she shrugged Kyle's hands off of her shoulders.  Kyle reached for her again, but Serah broke in to a run and vanished into the crowd.

Serena had a bad feeling about what her sister would be informing her of tonight,

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