Chapter 8- A little visit

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It's been four days since Josh tried to kiss me. And yes, I was avoiding him.

"Anna, you can't hide from him forever. I mean for goodness sake's you jumped into a trashcan to avoid him." Rose said sighing. She picked up a gummy worm and threw it at a half asleep Grace.

 I giggled at Grace as she squirmed. "Anyway, I'm avoiding him because I have never had anyone even hit on me before! What am I suppose to do? I mean, the plan is to stay away from boys until I win the World Series." I explained, exasperated.

But Rachel interrupted me before I could go on. "Oh, Rose I hope you don't mind.. I gave Shane your number." She said, her voice monotone.

"Um, before I punch you in the face, would you like to explain?" Rose said slowly. By the way she was clenching her fist, she was trying her best to stay calm.

"Well, Shane asked me for it. And he's pretty hot so I think you should say thank you." Rachel rolled her eyes and propped herself on her elbows. Rose just sat there in her thoughts. She opened her mouth to say something when the doorbell went off.

All of our heads shot to the door. "Anna.. I thought you said that no one was going to come home tonight..." Grace said nervously, her eyes darting back to the door.

"No one is suppose to be home. They are all at Jason's tournament." I said, more confused then scared. "Oh my gosh, you guys are such spazzes. I ordered pizza." Rachel said like it was totally obvious while rolling her eyes.

The doorbell rang again.

"You going to get it?" Rachel said impatiently.

I grunted and stood up. I opened the door and bounded down the stairs. I was about to open the door when I remembered I didn't have money. I opened my mouth to yell to Rachel when a wallet hit me in the face.

"What the heck Rachel?!" I yelled as I looked up to see her smirking. I grunted and opened the door.


We both just sat there staring at each other with our mouths hung open. So I panicked and did the only thing I could think of.

I slammed the door in his face.

"Anna, Is this seriously necessary?" Josh yelled on the other side of the door. I slid down the door to sit on the floor. I could hear him do the same on the other side.

"What else am I suppose to do Josh?" I said irritation heavy in my voice. He sighed loudly. "Look, I'm sorry I came onto you like that. I know that your not used to guys hitting on you."

I crinkled my nose. "How would you know that?" My voice was accusing. He chuckled a little before saying "Shane."

I sighed. "So what are you saying?" There was a long pause on the other side of the door before he whispered "I want to be friends."

I let it sink in for a second. It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders but there was something else there. There was a pang in my chest. It didn't make any sense. I didn't want to be involved in him. Or did I?

I ignored the things I was feeling and stood up, brushed myself off and opened the door. I sent him a small smile. He sent me a large one in return.

"So were good?" I nodded.

I didn't feel like carrying on a conversation for much longer so I just handed him the money as he handed my the three boxes of pizza.

What the crap Rachel? I'm pretty sure four 16 year old girls don't need three large pizzas! I complained in my head. But then I realized who we were and took it back. no doubt we'll fininsh them.

I looked up to see Josh already looking at me. We just sat there in silence as I read his expressions. There was happiness and content but there was something else. sadness?

I was cut off from my thoughts by Josh. "Well, I better go.." He played with his hands nervously before turning on his heel and started down the stairs.

I shut the door and turned to see the three girls I call my best friends staring at me.

Trying to avoid questioning I asked "Three pizzas Rachel, really?"

Chapter status - edited ☺

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