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We cried that night. All the wolves did, including myself. We weren't ready for such a horror and treachery as this was. With all their warm bodies huddled around mine, sobbing bitter tears and howling such sorrowful songs. The world that we once knew would never be again. The ancestors had told us stories of a lush land with rolling hills, forests full of wild deer ready for the kill and safety among our own kind.

All we saw was a barren land, stripped of any life. And the humans that once kept the distance and respected us for the predators we were, now eradicated our kind. Jago uttered kind worlds to the grieving wolves, and such wondrous stories of paradise where our own were free and the dear ones we had lost along the way to starvation or hunters would greet us into a place of peace.

Our stomachs were empty tonight, as they were any other. We had trekked high among the cliffs to seek a place of refuge for the night, away from any human civilisation. Far away in the distance, the tiny dots of light reminded us that they were not completely alone. I shifted slightly in the dank cave that we sought safety in to look at the dark night sky that was littered with stars. Less then two days run away from here was the mountains of Toten. A colossal sight lay just behind the mountain tops. The moon was glowing a bright hue that illuminated the land.

Once a sign of hope and revaluation for all wolf kind, every wolf, in every direction around the entire world, was now just a dying ember. I shed a tear as I looked upon the moons surface. Jagged cracks were appearing around every side. Small sections were already  missing, and caught in the moons orbit, creating a halo like ring around it. Without the moon we will die, for a wolves heart can only beat with strength that the moon provides. When the moon is full, then it shines upon us, the messengers and its children. We raise of heads and sing sweet songs, wolves feel most powerful when they call upon the moon.

But now, in this broken world the moons power is withering as it is itself,  unable to stay. The wolves are suffering without it. With every hour our hope is fading and our strength was beginning to deteriorate. The humans with guns, the had taken so many lives. I feared for our us, as we had lost so many along the way. The elder wolves could not stand the hunger and trial, neither could the newborn pups who were poorly after so much anguish. Our pack got smaller every day, until there was only us left, a small troupe of seven. 

With heavy hearts, fatigued bodies and our eyes wet from weeping, we huddled together to generate as much warmth as possible. We would have to face the killers man had become and our  inevitable deaths. The wolves have been running for so long. How much more must we endure of this? The humans do not care for there world. They think of us as mindless beasts. But how can that be when they are the ones bend on killing? I wanted to stop the pain my heart, in all our hearts. 

I snuggled closer into the fur of Jago's back, willing myself to sleep. In my dreams I could escape away from here to Amanden, the promised paradise. Its hard to know what tomorrow will bring, with the rising of the northern sun and our eradication so desperately wanted by the ones who rule this world now.

The world that has been ruined.

We must fight for our survival in a place of such corruption and that stank of death.

This place called Toten, which was once formally earth.


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