Three- Mesmerized

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"Lía, still the top of the class" her uncle Solofa congratulated her, "you're a future champ that's for sure" he assured her patting her shoulder after she successfully performed a Samoan drop on an opponent twice her size. She laughed

"Tell that to my dad, he still thinks I should be practicing bumps with the newbies"

"Well he's wrong" laughed Sika "Jimmy's just afraid of you getting hurt"

"If he saw us letting you practicing spots like that he'd kill us" Ata shook his head

"Well I know what I'm doing" she groaned "I'm almost 22 years old and he still won't let me move on, everyone else got out of here at at least 20, I'm ready!" Saying she was frustrated was an understatement.

"We know Lía we know, but we can't do anything, everyone on the council must be in agreement for you to move on" Solofa explained

"Eddie would've wanted me to move up" muttered Lía, it had been four years since her uncle Eddie had died, he had been her favorite uncle and her biggest supporter.

"We know" agreed Afa

"You know what?" Asked Jimmy from the door causing them all to jump in surprise,

"Nothing" muttered Lía, "I'm going to head home, I open at work tomorrow." She sighed, she had given up the opportunity to go to college for Wrestling and her own father was the one holding her back.

"Still working at the coffee house?" Asked Sika

"Yeah, 5:30 am to 1 pm, barista" she rolled her eyes at the reminder "but I've got to make a living" she laughed

"Ah so you're the one who always smells like coffee" laughed Solofa "you leave me craving a doughnut" she blushed

"I can't help it! Do you know how hard I try to scour the coffee smell off of me?! It's penetrated into skin" she groaned

"Well had you gone to college, you would smell like books" her father told her, she rolled her eyes

"But I wanted to be a wrestler and had I been given the opportunity to move up I'd be up against the likes of wrestlers like Ruby Redfox" she muttered annoyed.

"What was that Lía?" Asked Jimmy

"Nothing dad, gotta go" she sighed, she kissed her uncles goodbye and picked up her gym bag to go

"Ahem you're not going to kiss your father goodbye" he asked, she sighed and kissed him on the cheek, he smiled "don't forget this Friday is the Luau, we have a big announcement, and I think you'd want to hear it considering it concerns you! And plus you're performing" he smiled at her, he had always been proud of her hula dancing, but her head was swimming in thoughts of what the announcement could be.

"Really?! Can I have a hint?! Please!" She pouted

"Lets just say it concerns your future" he smiled, she hugged him before leaving, she showered excitedly with thoughts of what the news could be as she realized that Friday was only two days away, she squealed excitedly as she stepped out of the shower, she ran to her closet and changed before she laid out her clothes for work, then her outfit for Friday and finally she pulled out her favorite outfit to perform in. She held it against herself as she admired it in the mirror. She knew her happiness would translate into her performance , so Friday would be her best performance yet. Thursday came and went and she soon found herself laying in her bed excited. She couldn't sleep, she had gotten Friday and the weekend off just to celebrate what she hoped was her finally moving on to the Independent circuit. She hoped Joey wouldn't be there, she hadn't heard from him since that summer in Samoa. He hadn't even gone to Eddie's funeral, she'd never forgive him for that. He had left that summer without a goodbye after some sort of argument with his father and uncles and hadn't come back since, from what she heard he had had a daughter with his college sweetheart, it surprised Lía that anyone would sleep with him. The thought of intimacy with him made her sick, she shuddered. She wondered if she would meet her soul mate in a fellow wrestler or would she be like Sarona and stay unmarried until she was older. She'd never thought of these things before but for some reason thought of it now, she hated to admit it but she was like any girl, she wanted to find love, she just never found anyone to hold her attention. She yawned but that wasn't important now, wrestling came first she smiled as she finally drifted off to sleep.

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