Violet Eyes Chapter 7

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A couple days later I went to the cemetery to visit mom. I walked, once again blind since Toni wasn’t with me. My blindness let up a bit. I couldn’t see everything but I saw shades and shadows but they all blurred.

 I found my mom’s headstone, under the weeping willow by the pond and kneeled down and sat back on my heels.

“Hi mom. It’s me. I guess I can truthfully say I’m better now but… I still miss you…so much. Every day but I think I found- or they found me- but I think I found someone who… actually tries to understand me and someone who actually wants to try to understand me. His name is Toni. Or well its really Anthony. Anthony Ryan. He’s beautiful. Not only on the outside, I mean. I think he likes being around me just as I like being around him. Sometimes it just seems to good to be true. He maybe not be anymore than a friend but I think I’d be okay with that. I think.” I sighed and looked down at my hands in my lap.

I suddenly realized I was seeing.

I looked up and around.

It wasn’t Toni, that was here though.

It was Vortex.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Visiting a friend.” He answered, pointing to my mother’s grave.

“How- you- you know my mother?” I stampered.

He nodded.


“Now that, darling, is the beginning to a whole universe of other questions.”

I was quiet and looked down at my hands again.

 “She found me.” He started. I wanted so desperately to prove him wrong on the questions but I don’t think anyone could resist knowing how the most famous and loved superhero of Boston knows their own deceased mother.

“I’ll tell you my story, but you can’t tell anyone. You’re sworn to secrecy and I’d really like for you to be my friend.”

“Now your bribing me?” I accused jokingly.

“Not at all but you still have a choice in all this.”

I nodded and stood up walking to his side and we left my mother and walked around.

“You’re mom was my first memory, which means that I was probably made by that time and sent to Earth. She found me when she was driving past a farm in Virginia on a business trip. When we get sent to earth we get sent in what our powers are. Our powers are our protections so I was sent in a storm but more specifically a vortex.” He said pointing to the emblem on the chest piece of his suit.

“It looked like that?” I asked curiously.

He nodded. “And because the vortex was protecting me, it was small but strong. It took your mom’s car right off the road. She was smart though and jumped out and crawled to the field and hid under some of the bushes. Once I was safely delivered, the vortex disappeared and your mom crawled out of her hiding spot and found me. I guess she walked around and found her car in the crater the lightning had made and there I was. She took me in and took care of me. I stayed with her for a long time. I was with her when she met your dad and I was there when you were born. By the time you were in the womb and I was 4, my powers were coming in and they’d lash out. Do remember the day your mom came home from work and she had a long scar on her arm that looked like a lightning bolt?” he asked.

I remembered. I remembered looking at the scar and kissing it better for her and then playing doctor and wrapping it up.

I nodded.

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