You Pass Out

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Liam: You had been studying all night, not even getting a wink of sleep. You were exhausted all day, stumbling and feeling light headed as you walked around campus. After you got home you just couldn’t keep your eyes open any longer, passing out right inside the door. Luckily, Liam was already home and ready to catch you before you hit the ground, knowing exactly why you fell unconscious. He just carried you up to the bedroom, laying you on the bed and slipping your shoes off before tucking you under the covers. “Sweet dreams (Y/N),” Liam whispered, kissing your forehead before leaving you to your slumber.

Niall: Your self esteem had taken a hit with what the haters were saying. The one thing they all called out was your appearance, more specifically, your weight. You’d always been a little on the plus side and you figured that it was time to change that, but nothing you ever did seemed to work. No matter how much you exercised, the extra weight just wouldn’t go away. So you tried the only other thing you could think of: not eating. You had somehow managed to hide the fact that you weren’t eating from Niall, but your plan backfired one night. The boys were hanging out at yours and Niall’s flat and you were cooking dinner. It was taking all your will power not to take a bite of what you were making. Your stomach was hurting from not having anything in it and you were feeling drained and out of energy. “(Y/N)?” You turned around to see Liam standing in the doorway. “Hmm?” “You need any help?” he asked. You smiled at him and nodded and he came to help you. “Are you okay (Y/N)?” Liam asked after a few minutes of silence. You glanced up at him, “Yeah,” you said, “Why?” “You just seem kinda…” Liam searched for the right word, “… off. Is something bothering you?” You shook your head, focusing back on the food in front of you. You were starting to feel light headed, like you were going to pass out at any moment. Liam sighed. “Then why haven’t you been eating?” You froze, not only because of what Liam had said, but because you just couldn’t find any energy in you to move. “(Y/N)?” You felt yourself slip away before you could answer. You were vaguely aware of Liam catching you and lowering you to the ground, calling for the others’ help. And then everything went black. You woke up in a hospital room. The boys were spread out around the room. Harry was asleep on the floor, Louis laying on top of him. Liam and Zayn were asleep on the sofa, Zayn’s head resting on Liam’s shoulder. Niall was sitting in the chair next to you, not asleep, but staring at the ground. “Ni?” you spoke weakly. Niall’s head snapped up to look at you and he got up and walked over to your side. “(Y/N),” he breathed, kissing your forehead, “Are you okay?” You nodded, “I’m feeling better now,” you said, and it was true. You felt stronger and fuller of energy than you had before. Niall nodded and sighed, “Why did you stop eating?” he asked. You bit your lip, now ashamed of what you had done. “It- it was stupid,” you said, “They just k-kept saying that I-I was too big, and- and-” You couldn’t hold the tears in when they welled up. Niall sighed and reached over to you to wipe the tears away as they rolled down your cheeks. “You shouldn’t listen to what they say,” he said, “You’re perfect just the way you are and you don’t need to change anything about yourself. You’re perfect.”

Louis: It was a hot and humid day and your football team had their biggest match of the year to play in this heat. You had forgotten your water bottle and decided to continue playing anyways. At the beginning of the match, you ran down the field, dribbling the ball, then passing it off to a teammate. You glanced over to the spectators and you spotted Louis and Harry, both of them watching you play. You smiled and played the best you could, knowing that they were watching. Towards the end of the game however, you were really feeling the effects of the heat. You were dehydrated, your mouth dry and your throat burning. Your vision started to blur and you stopped running. “Are you alright (Y/N)?” a teammate asked, running up to you. You didn’t answer. The world seemed to spin around you and you heard a shout just before you collapsed to the ground, plunging into darkness. When you woke up, you had been moved. You were under a tree near the field, in the shade where it was so much cooler than it was in the sun. Louis was sitting behind you, holding an ice cold water bottle to your hot skin in an attempt to cool you off. Harry was sitting in front of you, trying to fan you off. Harry saw that you were awake. “Lou,” he said, gesturing to you. Louis shifted you so that you were lying down on the grass, your head in his lap. He opened the water bottle and pressed the opening to your lips, helping you hold your head up as you sipped the water, the cool liquid soothing your parched throat. “You had me worried,” he said gently, “God, you were burning up.” He took the bottle back and twisted the cap on before letting you rest your head on his lap again. He brushed some of the hair away from your eyes as he gazed down at you. “Just be more careful next time, okay?”

Harry: The lights flashed around you as your mind buzzed from all the alcohol. In the back of your head you knew you had drunken too much, but you ignored the thought, continuing to drink more. Harry kept close to you, knowing what an unpredictable drunk you could be. He kept his hands at your hips, not letting you out of his sight for even a second. A good thing too, because soon, you passed out. He caught you, not letting you fall far. He scooped you up and lifted you into his arms. “Let’s get you home (Y/N),” he said, carrying you out of the club.

Zayn: You were standing backstage, watching the boys perform. You hadn’t been feeling well all day and you didn’t think you could make it through the whole concert, but you wanted to go to support the boys. It was half way through the concert now and you had started to get extremely light headed. You were leaning against the nearest wall and you closed your eyes, trying to fight off the feeling. “(Y/N)?” one of the crew members walked up to you and you opened your eyes to look at them, “(Y/N), you don’t look so well, maybe you should lie down…” You didn’t get a chance to answer, because the next thing you knew you were lying on the ground staring up at the ceiling. The crew member was shouting something that you couldn’t make out and you slipped into unconsciousness. You woke up and found yourself in the boys’ dressing room, lying on the couch with five concerned faces staring at you. “(Y/N)?” Zayn was the closest to you, holding your hand in his, “Are you okay babe?” You didn’t speak as a wave of nausea hit you. You quickly sat up and pushed past the boys as you ran for the nearest bathroom. You reached the toilet just in time to empty your stomach. You were vaguely aware of Zayn following you into the bathroom and holding your hair back as you vomited, rubbing soothing circles into your back until you had finished. You wiped your mouth before flushing and leaning your warm forehead against the cool wall. “(Y/N), we should get you home,” Zayn said, “Come on.” He helped you up and led you past the boys, and outside to your car. He drove you home and helped you inside, tucking you into bed and taking care of you until you felt better.

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