Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to All my awesome fans!! sorry to keep you waiting for so long!!

ok i finally updated!! sorry for the wait! promise it won't take forever next time!! this is a thank you to all my new fans!!!! thanks for your input and encouragement!! i always welcome any and all comments! you have a criticizm i'd love to hear it and i love good thoughts even more!!! ok here is the story!

Recap: Faith's POV in the garden.

‘Lewis’ reached out and plucked one of the flowers. Turning to her, he presented it with a flourish. Faith let out a small laugh and stepped in closer, wrapping her arms around his waist in a big hug. “Thank you,” she murmured softly, burying her face in his warm chest.

  Adam's POV

Adam bowed his head in thanks to Jasmine, who had just given him the best gift he could want, Faith’s happiness and her in his arms. The nymph, who was nothing but a ghostly mist at the moment, watched with a ridiculous gin on her face. The nymphs often hated winter, much for the same reasons Faith had said. Their nature is covered over and there is nothing to work their magic on. The snow storms keep most everyone inside and there is no one to enjoy the beauty they create. But now Faith was here and she cherished any and all beauty in nature. 

 She was so moved by the flower. She was so simple to please. She needed no grandiose gestures or extravagant gifts; in fact she would probably despise those things, though she would never say it aloud. He let out a sigh. Though she spoke of it often, she had not mentioned going home again after she had left the first time, for which she apologized profusely.  She seemed content, even happy, here with him. Here, in my arms, where she belongs.

“Alright, I made you a promise. It is getting a bit nippy out here,” she said, slowly pulling away but still with a smile lighting up her face. With the red rose braided into her hair (again, thank you Jasmine), they went into the palace. Faith pulled him along, all but jumping up and down.

 “Oh my! Well is that not a sight, a winter rose. How precious,” Lenora said upon seeing Faith. Faith laughed and nodded but she was not going to be deterred. It took Adam a moment to realize where she was pulling him. The study. After he had shown her the room, it had become her favorite place, aside from the garden. She pushed through the large oak door. There was a fire lit and Faith’s favorite over stuffed chair was ready for her, beside the mantel. Adam was thrilled that his servants were so attentive to Faith. They were always a step ahead, prepared for her and ensuring her every comfort. He knew Faith thought it was excessive and she preferred to care for herself but she was growing accustomed to being treated like a queen. And now, more then ever, Adam was determined to break this wretched curse and make her just that, his Queen.

The Enchantress had promised him the return of his kingdom upon his release of the spell. Adam knew that the Femme Fatale would full-heartedly approve of Faith to rule beside him. There was not a selfish, vain bone in her. She would be gracious as Queen and bring balance and peace.

 “What are you thinking?” She asked softly as she sat down in her chair

. “The past, what might happen in the future, if I ever break this wench’s curse.”

 “You will, I have faith. She must have seen how much you have changed. I have.” Faith reached out for his hand. He walked over to her and sat next to her on a spare chair.  She took his hand and leaned her head on his arm.

“Faith, are you happy here?” He knew it was a foolish thing to ask and he should not push her but he needed to know her answer.

“Of course I am!” She shifted to face him and looked into his eyes. “What is it, Lewis?” He froze. He could not ask her. What if she said no?  

 Faith's POV

  “Lewis?” A part of Faith knew what was coming and she was thrilled. He is going to ask me to stay! Faith did not know her answer though and that is why she was torn. She wanted him to ask her to stay. She wanted him to want her to stay. But my family… That was the only thing holding her back. They needed to know she was alright, she was safe.

 “Nothing. I am fine.” Disappointment settled in. He did not ask. She gave him a smile she hoped was reassuring and supportive. He smiled back. She nestled back into the stuffed chair and picked up the book she had placed on the side table the day before. She began to read as ‘Lewis’ went through different maps and papers on the desk. He had slowly begun to take an interest in the Kingdom’s affairs again and would often spend time reading his father’s old records. Though they were of little use now, ‘Lewis’ was so entranced by all the things he did not know about his own kingdom when he had first planned on taking the throne.

 Faith set aside her book and instead watched him. “What will you do when the spell is broken? The Kingdom has fallen apart. How do you plan on bringing it together?” Though they had talked about politics and the Kingdom, they had never spoken about what he plans to do when he regained his throne. ‘Lewis’ looked up, surprised at the question.

“The Femme Fatale swore to aid in the reuniting of the Kingdom. The laws forced her to take measures in securing the Kingdom from the Southern forces and keeping anyone else from taking my power. I am still the only heir to the throne and that will not change for as long as I am alive.” Faith thought about that for a moment when his next statement froze her. “Of course, I will need a Queen.” Faith did not want to think on why that upset her so.

 Instead she forced out a small laugh and said, “I’m sure Lenora and Charles would love to finally have a true Lady to wait upon.” Faith could not be positive but she thought she saw a flash of sadness in his eyes before ‘Lewis’ chuckled softly.

 “That is why they have you though.” His voice was soft, almost as if he did not want her to hear. His words made her heart soar. He could have no idea what they meant to her, even if they were not said in the way she wished. It has been two months and already it is hard to imagine my life elsewhere. But what if he does not want me to stay? What about my family? I need to get back to them. I promised Mother and Hope that we would stay together. It does not matter if I do want to stay here. I cannot.

   The Dame Magique POV

 The Dame Magique watched and her heart soared higher then the clouds she lived among. Faith and Adam were falling in love, a love they both deserved.

 “Well, well, well, it looks as if your plan is working. And you have not needed to interfere again. Nicely done,” the Femme Fatale praised from behind the Dame. She turned and could not hide the elated smile on her face.

 “I told you. She was always the one meant for him and he can give her everything she deserves!” The Dame turned away and muttered to herself, “Now the only problem is Patience.”

 “Absolutely not! I have been very gracious when it has come to Faith but we are not without our limits. Our magic is restricted to certain regulations. This Kingdom needs their King back in power which is the only reason I am allowing your ‘guidance’ in their affairs but Patience is beyond our authority. Her problems are not a matter of live or death nor do they hold sway over the populace therefore we cannot intervene.” The Femme held a look of finality and the Dame knew better then to argue. She was not even a fraction as powerful nor as knowledgeable as the Femme and knew to remember her place as the underling. Put three centuries up against a decade and it will win out every time, the Dame thought with a sigh. She was not going to do nothing as Patience ruined herself for some no good scoundrel. However she could not go against the Femme. However, rules can be changed.  

  Was it easier for me to label the POV's? or does it not eally matter? please vote and comment!! I'm trying to figure out a way to make this a little longer cause i feel like it is going really quickly. so any suggestions are welcome, after all this is for your enjoyment. lol. ok so i am in a rambling mood and have a feeling if i don't shut up now i will tell you all my life story so hope you enjoyed it!!!  

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