secrets 81-90

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SECRETS 81-90 :

81 .  We can sense confidence from a mile away.

We can tell when you know how amazing you are.

82 .  We get kilig (shivers or ticklish feelings)

when we see you’ve viewed our Multiply Albums.

83 .  We love it when you can laugh freely and unpretentiously.

The louder, the better!

84 .  We like it when we get to make you laugh.

It makes us feel important.

85 .  Guys love being taken care of, but sometimes,

you have to let us do things on our own. It shows you trust us enough.

86 .  We always worry about what you think of our fashion sense.

87 . It sucks that we can break your heart without meaning to.

We’re definitely not proud of this. (We’re Sorry!)

88 .  We like it when you show us off to your friends.

It means you think we’re completely worthy of you.

89 . When we know there’s a possibility that we’d bump into you,

we actually spend time planning our outfits.

90 .  We think it’s weird that you keep tagging people in photos that all look alike

100 GUY SECRETS EVERY GIRL MUST KNOW  ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon