Chapter 8: Brotherly Rivals

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I dont feel like writing too long and lengthy nowadays, I feel like it seems so dreary you guys might not even enjoy it just as much

I LOVE writing the story but being descriptive could also be my own downfall at some point so what do you think?

I always feel jealous of some amazing writers out here who made flawless BxB stories and their storyline flows so well, well mine seems kinda forced for perfection :(

But yeah thats just my own personal rants being an non-native English speaker

Anyways, do the usuals.



“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” The million dollar question escaped his sexy mouth for the fifth time today, I think. Yes, I’m still counting.

I’m too tired to reply with the same word so I just nodded to satisfy his endless concerns.

I’m a big boy now I can make my own decisions and I need to get this over and done with. I need to put on a little weight and he also couldn’t agree more that it will be for my own good. If I’m still aiming for Yale I need to start being an all-rounder and he’s going to help me all the way.

“Well, you know that I was only making sure right?” I nodded again, feeling slightly nervous inside. He had put so much faith in me I think I am saved with his own version of salvation. “Alain if you keep nodding your head like that I’m sure it will fall off even before we could start anything, trust me.”

I shot him a glare which made him grin some more, acknowledging the fact that he finally got my full attention. I used to hate getting all sweaty and smelly. I don’t see the point of all this at first but he kept on recommending that I will excel in it if I actually put my mind into it.

“Don’t you worry about anything okay? I’m gonna be here supporting all the way. There’s no way you’re going to get hurt, not on my watch.” I could only smile back to reply his suave confidence, his trust in me and his endless shower of affection. He made me see things in a whole new perspective and I cherish that he would shine a new light on my whole view point in life.

He is trying his best to understand me and while figuring me out, I am constantly learning new stuffs about him. “But what if I suck at this? Like any other sports that I’ve flunked out before?”

He pushed my chin up with his finger and I received a kiss on my forehead, soothing to my heart’s core. His warmth made it almost impossible for me not to believe him. “Please don’t say that, no more negative thoughts remember? You promised me you would try out for the track team and I’m a hundred percent sure you’ll ace this. Just have a bit more trust in yourself, babe.”

I didn’t know what I’m signing up for and it’s also a bit too late in the season but fortunately Connor convinced the tracks coach to give me a last-minute tryout for the team.

I couldn’t see where he got the idea that I could run well, well neither do I to be honest but I just complied with his support. I’m also still wondering if the coach would let me join the school team so close to Christmas break. I don’t feel like saying no to Connor in the first place either, which is too late by now to back down. He also insisted on the single tryout today.

We walked together hand in hand outside to the cold embrace of the early winter air. I even started going to the gym for the first time ever in my life with him, more like forced to do so especially since that horrific incidence with the two knuckleheads. Connor became more overprotective of me and I couldn’t blame him. I failed miserably to defend myself, even if my life depends on it.

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