You Win!

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Chapter 35

Clary's P.O.V

"So are you going to accept my offer?" The Queen of (insert any word you choose here...REALLY ANY!)

"I don't find it an offer. I find black mail." A cocky grin spread across her face.

"It all depends on who you're talking to." I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you want the diner so bad?"

"It's sad that you have owned it for several years now, and you have no idea why it's so valuable and

why so many want it."

"Why don't you tell me why that is..." I said.

"I rather not...But what I do want to tell you is that I want the deed of the diner in my office by Monday morning."

"I never said I was going to take your offer." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Then please enlighten me on what you plan on doing...I've seen you with that awful little

girl...what's her name...Ray, yes that's it. I've seen you with her. You love children, don't you? Are you going to honestly let me take the child from you? Imagine what I can do-"

"Listen old lady, people disappear in the woods all the time." The old woman looked taken back.

"Is that a threat, you low life scum?"

"I don't make threats, I make promises."

"I think you need to realize who has power at this moment and who doesn't...I want the deed, Monday morning. In 24-hours from now." With that, she stepped back and closed the door. I stood there in silence for a few seconds wondering what I was going to do. I tried threatening her back, but she knew it was an empty threat. I shook my head and went to my car, knowing where and what I needed to do.

Three hours later:

Karena, Chase, Bethany, Tybalt, and Georgie were all crowded in my living room.

"Why are we here again today?" Tybalt asked, slowly rubbing Bethany's belly.

"I need to tell you guys something." I said, not full looking at any of them. I was too embarrassed to tell them what I was about to say because it meant I was giving into the witch.

"So what is it, hon?" Chase asked.

"Ummm, I...I am...I'mclosingthediner." I mumbled all together. Everyone looked confused, but

Georgie went wide eyed.

"WHAT? She yelled as she got up looking pissed.

"I'm closing the diner." My voice was low, but everyone heard this time.

"WHAT?" Everyone echoed Georgie.

"I'm sorry, but I have to."

"No you don't. If its money we can help. The banks can help!" Karena said.

"It's not the money because I've been doing inventory and our payment logs, we are making big

bucks." Tybalt said.

"Why are you doing this?" Bethany said.

"Is it because you're pregnant?" Karena said. I was stunned. How did she know?


"We all know." Chase said. "And if it's that, we can help. I promise, we will work this out."

"You can't...You can't." I said, with tears falling down my face.

"Why not?" George asked.

"I can't say." I said putting my hand on my face, covering my crying face.

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