Initium: Prologue

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She surveyed her surroundings as she listened to the evenly breathing of t he two men stationed outside her exile room. It was quiet and she was sure that everyone-including her bastard of a brother- was asleep.

This is it. It was her only chance to save the one thing that mattered to her most. And she will do everything she can, even if it meant giving up her own life to save her precious little one's.

Taking a deep breath to calm her down, she place a hand on the pocket of her doctor's coat, her fingers curling protectively on a syringe inside it. Careful not to make any noise, even though she knew it was unnecessary, she crept down the hall and hurriedly made her way to the little glass room not far way from her own.

It was a short trip and she knew no one would see her walking down the hall alone. She made sure of that when she placed a few capsules of sleeping drugs-which she crushed- in the ventilation system that knocked everyone out except for her.

But even with that knowledge, she can't help but sneak a glance over her shoulder every now and then, as if someone was watching her.

She breathed out a sigh of relief when she got to her destination safely. It was a small rectangular shaped room with glass panels for the walls and a stainless steel for the floor. The room was complete with medical apparatus- from a bed to an IV stand to a heart monitor which was strapped to a young girl.

It was their own version of an ICU.

Her eyes never left the little girl laying on the bed. She walked towards her who was peacefully sleeping while her heart monitor beeped on the background. Her heart swelled at the sight of her, looking so fragile and pale. She knew the child was terminally sick and on the verge of dying.

But if everything goes as planned, that would change tonight.

As if knowing she was there, the little girl slowly opened her eyes and smiled when she saw her. She smiled back and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Mommy, my chest hurts." she croaked, her voice raspy.

She brushed the stray locks of hair away from her daughter's face as she took the syringe from her pocket. "It will be alright, baby, mommy will keep the pain away.

"I love you mommy."

"i will always love you, Isabelle."

Planting another kiss on her forehead, she went to the IV stand and injected the fluid from her syringe. Moments later, her whole life changed right before her eyes.

She frantically watched as her daughter convulsed, her skin turning pulple. She tried so hard to revive her, to save her little one but she was helpless.

All she could do was pray that everything would be fine. That her daughter would be fine. But as she hold on to her angel's hand while she waited for any sign of movement on her heart monitor, she knew she lost her battle.

Not because the medicine she made didn't work.

But because her own brother killed her daughter.

It was too late when she realized that it was poison she injected on her daughter, and she knew the culprit for that.

"Mommy would make everything alright, I promise."

And with one last kiss on her daughter's forehead, she stood up, took a gun from one of the guards stationed outside her daughter's room and marched towards the office of t he man she once called her brother.

This time she would be the one with the gun and it would be his life he would take.

To pay the ones he took from her.

This is just the start of her revenge.


A/N: so, how was it?


This was a colab with my good old friend slash sister: allPATCHedup

BTW, I would be updating EPIC soon!

P.s. This story is finished.



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