Chapter Eleven- Locker

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© Copyright Sweetdreamer747 2013, All Rights Reserved

** A/N: Hello out there to all my little dreamers! I can't believe I managed to squeeze out another chapter for you guys but I did and its here! :)

LCV etc.... Love and strawberries <3


Chapter 11- Locker

I cringed, "Don't tell me you already-"

"Yep." Karsy interrupted in a sing song voice, "The invitations were sent as of this morning."

I sighed.

"You couldn't have maybe waited until I asked my parents first?" My voiced raised with a suggestive sass tone.

"We both know they will say yes." She said nonchalantly as if I get everything I want. Of course that's not the case, but lately my parents have felt guilty that I am left home alone whilst they go on trips to exotic places. Therefore, they have been treating me to a few nice things such as shopping trips but I'm not so sure about a party without supervision...

"Do I?"

"It will all work out beach, don't stress to much..." She looks up at the clock at the end of the hallway, "hey, sorry but I can't walk you to first period. There was a test that I forgot about and I have 10 minutes to cram as much information in as possible, bye!"

And with that she was gone in a flash. Ironically, that was the first time I've seen her run other then the one time her pet Pomeranian stole her mascara just before being let out of the house. Lets just say it was like watching a high speed chase take place in the backyard ending with Karsy's face in the dirt and her Pomeranian looking like he dip dyed the front half of his body black.

The rustling of a bunch of teenagers trying to get to first bell was making the hallway become more and more crowded which left no room for me to be dosing off into my thoughts. Yet, here I was, running into every single one of my classmates as if I were just naturally this clumsy...which I very we'll may be.

But then I thought of something...something that snapped me back to reality. I can't afford to run into HIM again. Even though I am curious to hear what he had to say, it would be a little awkward for me to run into him in this setting- especially if it were half as bad as the last time.

And just then I caught the familiar eye of the said brown hair blue eyed boy. This led me into full panic mode and an immediate change of pace in the opposite direction. As to avoid him I close in on the first door I see and close it behind me.

My heart rate was increasing by the second and I began mentally cursing at myself for letting him do this to me. Although I guess that they weren't all in my head...

"Some vocabulary you got there." A deep husky voice echoed from behind me. I slowly turn myself away from the door in the direction of the voice and soon regret that decision after realizing where I was.

I cover my mouth to prevent an urging shriek to escape from my lips.

Of course you would do this Ciara...of all places to hide out in this school you had to come here.

The half naked sandy blonde haired boy urges forward as I step back but, to no avail, I was now pressed against the door-eyes wide and mouth covered like a complete idiot.

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