Chapter 10

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I shook as I started to tell Connor my past. "When I was 17 years old I was dating this guy named Brian. He was the quarterback on the football team and the most popular guy in school. Before I was his girlfriend, I was a nobody. When I started dating him, it was like I was the head cheerleader. Everyone looked up to me. So I was having the time of my life! What I didn't realize was that he was treating me horribly. He'd flirt with other girls in front of me, but I never really noticed. One day, we got in a fight. And he hit me. Hard. He slapped me right across the face. I was in shock. I really couldn't believe it. So I ran out of the house into the woods. I sat down and cried. He followed me into the woods and kept making stupid attempts at apologizing. And then, when I would talk to him, he started touching me. Not like patting me on the shoulder. He was touching me in really bad ways. When I tried to run away, he grabbed me and started kissing me. I couldn't get out of his grasp. I was punching and kicking him, trying to get away. Then, he started hitting me. I was sobbing and letting out blood-curdling screams. And then, he heard footsteps coming into the woods, and ran. There I was, curled up in a ball on the ground as I bleed and ached in pain. The person coming into the woods was my mom. When she saw my body on the ground, drenched in blood, she fell to her knees. She started bawling and screaming just like I was. She ran back to our house and called 911. I never heard from Brian again. But all I know is that know, he wants to talk to me. And if I don't, I have no idea what he could do to my mom and my family. So I don't know what to do anymore." Connor stood there stunned. I never told that story to anyone besides my family and Nikki before. I had no idea what to expect from Connor right now.

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