7 - Abandoned Drives Lead to Abuse

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A/N: Don't even get me started on how shitty this year has been.

Anyway, I'm SO SORRY this took so long and I'm still not really comfortable with it and I think Fai is probably very OOC, so if there's anything about it you don't like you should definitely tell me and I'll try to improve it because I really want this to be a story you guys enjoy!


Abandoned Driveways

7-Abandoned Drives Lead To Abuse

For some reason, the car wouldn't start. He could hear the engine turning over, but it just wouldn't catch. Kurogane glared at the dull silver metal of the vehicle that had once been his father's, wishing for the first time that he'd taken mechanics instead of kendo.

"Freakin' piece of shit," he growled, leaning on the car with one hand while the fingers of the other dug into his hip. He could feel his eyebrow twitching with irritation, and more than once he had to stop himself from running a greasy hand through his hair.

The rough, throaty sound of an engine pulling up next door drew his attention away from his own vehicle. He looked up to see an old sedan with peeling red paint pulling up to the house. He'd seen it before, but never in motion.

His eyebrows raised in barely expressed surprise as a young man with long, black hair and skin as pale as Fai's stepped out. So that's the cousin, huh? he guessed.

He wasn't prepared for cold, dark eyes to suddenly lock on his over the faded red top of the car. He frowned, feeling an instinctive dislike for this person who somehow managed to look simultaneously detached and smug. His pride refused to let him break the other's gaze, resulting in an impromptu staring contest.

Without warning, the paler of the two smirked. Kurogane blinked, caught off guard.

"Hello," Fai's cousin began smoothly, apparently deciding on the polite approach, "I don't believe we've met. My name is Ashura."

He sounds like a prick, Kurogane decided. Nevertheless, he responded with a gruff "Kurogane."

Something like a smile passed over Ashura's features, although it looked almost bitter and painful. Kurogane, following Ashura's example of etiquette, tried not to scowl.

"I believe you've met my cousin, Fai," he noted flippantly. His voice was carefully offhand, but Kurogane's ears, as observant as his eyes, picked up the threat underneath.

"Yeah?" Kurogane challenged, the word acting as both question and acknowledgement.

Ashura stepped around his vehicle and made his way toward Kurogane, moving with the grace of someone who belonged in high society rather than the rundown house next door. Kurogane straightened up, cautious but trying not to let his aggression show in order to learn more about the man coming toward him.

Ashura stopped a couple feet in front of him, close enough to appear threatening while keeping his distance in case Kurogane acted out. The corner of Kurogane's mouth twitched with a mixture of respect and disappointment. Whatever this man did, he certainly knew how to handle himself.

"I hope he hasn't been bothering you," Ashura told him, and it took Kurogane a moment to realize he was referring to Fai, "I'm afraid he doesn't mind his manners very well."

"And it's your job to keep him in line?" Kurogane asked, his tone barbed.

Instead of flinching or even frowning like Kurogane expected any normal person might, Ashura just flashed him a smooth smile. What was wrong with this family anyway?

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